Sunday, March 9, 2025

Exhausted week - Week 03 of 4 on solo

3rd Mar (Mon) - Monday blues made worst with housework. Oh! But coz lil’ one is on HBL so I woke up at close to 10am. I can’t remember what I cooked for her lunch 🙄. 

After that I spent my time preparing for dinner while she’s in her room. Wah….kindda remind me of CB in 2020 when I start cooking dinner after I’ve been washed all the dishes used for lunch. Working non stop and crawled into bed daily. 

@ 5.47pm : Thermomix dried and pushed back to position. Everything is ready to be served just need to warm up curry n miso soup n cut the cutlet. Want to shower but can’t will perspire later. 

4th Mar (Tue) - Went for my tuina while che-che worked from home. Dropped lil’ one in school, went to SArmy at AMK area before going for my tuina. A lot of time wasted driving coz school and AMK is not near to each other. 

Called mom but dowan to come by. Again it’s another 2 nights. I can’t accommodate more nights as I have already planned all Fridays with appointments a month ago and kept Tuesdays for my 推拿 days (found out my credit expires in April 😱. Which explains why I’m 拼命的在用 now, if not I won’t go back every week. 很 💸leh!)  Aiyah! Told her I’ll get her over when hubby is away, she dowan to come. Next week I can’t ask her over as lil’ one has study break and I won’t even go to tampines area. 

She asked how come I’m so busy; busy with what. Basically I can’t compare my life to her now. She was busy when she’s at my age too. She’s tired can’t do much lifting etc.. so she has nothing to do except to rest. While me at 49yrs old I’m probably slaving just like she did when she was 49yrs old. Busy as ever. Oh! Apart from us the housewives, the difference is that I have chauffeuring job to do and she cooks more often than I do. Actually she has a better life than me when it comes to cooking 😂 - coz the kids (us) are not that fussy over food, we eat what is placed on the table. My 3 bosses are fussy, all have their own preferences. That’s why I HATE COOKING!!
After some time I kapo and did some calculation. She was 49 when I was 21! I, the youngest in the family, was already flying then. So she was probably busy with the housework + cooking. She did get up at ungodly hours to prepare food for me while I got ready for work, otherwise she’s between home and markets. 

Yah! Busy with what. Housework, tidying up or decluttering places, cooking. Now I’m busier coz I need to get food prepared for their packed lunch. Have this mentality that since the kitchen is already messed up and dirty from cooking dinner, I might as well prepare the next day’s lunch. So the job is really neverending and tiring. When hubby is around, he can help to send while I crawl back to bed for another hour of sleep. Now I can’t coz everything is bao-ga-liao. 

My own meals is haywire. Trying to clear the fridge coz received notice about shutting down electrical in 2 weeks time. 

No time to update blog. Everything, as usual, is always backdated. Tho many people will think why blog then since it’s not that an important thing to do. Well … at this moment as long as my mind is still clear I’d do some update, I can read back next time. 

I have things to do - translate some Japanese recipes. Flip thru the jap recipe books. Tho I tell you now by this 3rd week of solo, I’m most of the days dragging myself to bed.

I kindda pity che-che that she never gets a chance to go Orchard on a weekday and asked her how flexible can she be working outside. I do want to spend a quality time with my greedy girl who gorges on ramen, Azabu Sabo ice-cream etc.. It’ll be a nice break for her working outside with a change of environment but her job requires security and confidentiality so it can be challenging.  

Dropped by Kinokuniya. Altho I never liked her wasting money on all her Jap magazines but I went to buy for her. Spent some time flipping through books, I usually can’t do this coz lil’ one will always stand so close to me. And she doesn’t like to read, I feel really awkward to have someone breathing down my back. 

Packed their dinner from つるこし

Went by German Market coz I’ve been wanting to get my sausage and curry ketchup sauce. Weather is just too hot. It’s 32 degrees celcius but feels like 38. So shall make a quick trip into the mart. 

Miss Germany …. Aw…. I miss going to so many countries / cities. 

They didn’t have any of the sausage I want, so was still thinking if I should get the curry ketchup sauce. The one I wanted didn’t have a smaller bottle, they only have this in a huge 650ml bottle. Somehow I have the impression that I bought a smaller bottle last time.

I’ve seen these before but never tried before. 

In the end decided that I shall try and make it on my own coz how often do I crave for sausage? I found a recipe from I have all the spices at home, including the German curry powder. No worcestershire sauce tho, I think somewhat the taste will be less tangy. Or I might buy a small bottle in Meidiya (if I can find it) as some Japanese food recipes I’ve been looking at requires Wsauce.

Recipe from

Good to know : there’s a difference between the German curry powder and the Indian curry powder. The taste is different, some sweeter than the other. I have 3 types of curry powder at home - Indian, German and Japanese. 

Left the mart with lil’ one’s fav Hanuta and my vanillin zucker. Car interior was burning hot when I got back. But I’m happy to be in mini mini mini mini Germany. 


For the past few days I’ve been playing music on amplifier to sleep. This music puts me to sleep almost immediately as I’ve been conditioned with this music since a year ago. Then I had music + eyeshade + lavender eo = drifted to sleep faster. This time I only had music coz I was always extremely tired by late afternoon and I can just zzzzz… I don’t need the other 2  

Tonight I was taking out my small label printer when I saw a packaging. Alamak! The grounding sheet I bought in July last year! I’ve yet to try. So took it out to try. Will post about this grounding sheet another time. 

5th Mar (Wed) - after dropping lil’ one I came back home doing the usual. 

Also as I hardly open the letterbox, I went to open it today and saw a notice informing that electricity will shut down in 2 weeks time for 4 hours. What?! Looking at how much I’d be cooking, I won’t be able to clear some frozen food in time. 

Took time to look through the fridge and freezer and did some clearing. 

Exhausted! Sat down and had my lunch and a cold Ribena. Needed to replenish my sugar. 

Spent the day (1) housework (2) picking lil’ one from school (3) tidying trolley (4) cooking dinner (5) cont’d tidying trolley (6) unscheduled che-che asked if I could pick her up from work coz it’s raining heavily n carrying lots of things (7) serving dinner (8) cont’d last bit of  tidying trolley, had to stop coz needed to serve the 2 mini boss (9) cooked next day’s lunch for lil’ one (10) cleaned n tidied kitchen (11) shower (12) my own dinner 

Tidying and cleaning one trolley at the yard means cleaning off the 6 months old layer of dust on the white trolley (there you go! Disadvantage of having a white trolley coz I hate black or anything dark in the house.) It’s not a huge trolley but coz I had to clean the dust off the bottles of cleaning items and whatever it took me some time + I do get tired of doing it and it’s 🥵 behind with no wind blowing so took few short drink breaks. 

Dinner for the girls. Boiled salmon which she dips with ketchup, fried cod for che-che. Chawanmushi for both. I can’t remember what I had for dinner! Must be the leftover fried noodles or whatever leftover. 

Gyudon for lil’ one’s lunch next day. Into the Jap good mode coz hubby don’t like so this is the only chance I can cook for them. 

It was 9.20pm when I had my dinner. Exhausted. Coz had to pick checche up from work I had already spent more than 40mins out. Thank goodness already finish cooking dinner. But wasted time for that ride to and from lor! I probably won’t have my dinner that late. 

Mid Week 03 and I’m so tired. I desperately need a solo holiday not a solo handling a house.

6th Mar (Thu) - AT work from home then has the 1/2 day off. I think the 1/2 day off is for the weekend she had to work. 

Dropped lil’ one school, made an unscheduled trip to NTUC to get chicken fillet. Wanted to make chicken mushroom baked rice but I realised it has a smell. Didn’t want to poison my kids. Saw this (pic) and reminded me of tingkat days when Athena was young. I’d usually keep the rice for my next day’s lunch coz the tingkat caterer always give so much rice, and fry luncheon meat and rice with this sambal paste. 

She was meeting C, her uni friend for uncle wanton so asked me to send her. I ate with them at Ray’s place since she made me travel to MP. They had plans after lunch and left, as for me I made a trip to Kim Choo to get rice dumplings before 

Packed lil’ one’s dinner from uncle wanton. Ray always give us extra fried dumplings. 

7th Mar (Fri) - Short day for lil’ one and I have appt made at 10am in PP. She told me she ends school possibly even much earlier at 11+ - 11.30am. What!!!

A quiet mall 

At my fav place for breakfast in PP, in my special spot 

Went for my LR appointment at 10 and finished at 10.41am. I have a few strands on my left (top pic) reaching the 11th mark.

Packed my own lunch at KFC. Staff was telling me that they will close on Monday for the works in PP and won’t be coming back after that. Sad. Another place gone. I used to come by here for breakfast after dropping girl/girls in school on day when I needed to run errands. Have breakfast and do some stuffs while waiting for the shops to open. I like KFC coz it’s quiet. 
Took pics for memory sake. PP has changed so much since they opened their doors on 9th Mar 1984. 

Picked lil’ one up and headed home. M was coming by our house as he needs to go through my policies. He didn’t have time to go through with me mine when we met with che-che. Anyway he hasn’t been to our new home so I opened the house for visitation. Che-che helped to pack dinner on her way home. Wah…if only she or Aricia can help to do that next time, I don’t have to worry about our meals. 

8th Mar (Sat)Why am I slaving away on Women’s Day. As at this time (@ 4.13pm) I’m drafting this post I have yet to lay the new bedsheet on the bed. Just sitting down to cool the dirty me down infront of the fan, after dishing out the fried rice into a container. 

Another restless night, I woke up at close to 10am, few hours later than usual. Oh! The girls always complain that I snore so had been wanting to record myself. It’s in another post, drafted but will post out another day. 

Another cook out day. Cooked pasta for lil’ one’s lunch. Kept the extras into container.  

Che-che don’t like pasta so cooked this udon herself

Had some leftover rice from dunno which day’s dinner. This is the sambal fried rice. By 2.15pm all dishes out into a bowl. 

At the same time I cooked a new batch of rice 

@ 3.51pm - all’s done!! For dunno which meal. Just do everything at one go. 

Kept some rice for Monday’s meal

Kitchen tidied at 5.10pm ready to shower. Wah….and it’s dinner time 

The girls wanted Sushiro. Initially I suggested to go somewhere nearer at Tampines coz I had intention to drop by home to visit mom with the girls. But they wanted Jewel where both Sushiro and 九鲜 is under the same roof. 

I love this! Mapo eggplant

Walked around a little to digest the food before packing bubble tea. Dropped by Tokyu Hands and they’re having closing down sale. Another outlet gone. 

Che-che told me she misses FUK and when are we going in July? Haha! Has it become a tradition to go back to hot and wet typhoony FUK every July? I miss Japan too. Going back to see our sexy butt naked men? Ahem ahem I mean Yamakasa. Go holiday with her I also pok-gai. But I know what we’ll always do in Japan. First stop at Hakata Station is to buy our fav curry pan; go crazy n eat all her ramen until I get sick n tired of it; eat her Baskin Robbin’s ; go Johnnys shop; go airport to buy snacks; drop by conbini to buy rubbish n our fav ice-cream; meet Aunty Mio at Aeon near her and eat at che-Chye’s fav tempura place; go Tower Records/HMV/Kinokujiya; go karaoke; watch TV at night with all the boy boy performances. You see! It’s all what she wants to do not what I want to do. 

Called mom at her mobile and home a few times wanting to inform her we’re dropping by but nobody picked up. So che-che said just go back home.  

9th Mar (Sun) - nuah-ing day. Click HERE for the blog entry. 

However due to miscommunication, che-che came back from her outing with Fayth (JC friend) before dinner. I’ve ordered our food from Lixin so I ended up heating the fried rice meant for her lunch the next day for her dinner today. 

Tomorrow will just cook Mee Hoon kueh for both her lunch and dinner. 

What I thought will be a fully nuah day turns out to be really 1/2 relax mode. Had to marinade the pork for tomorrow’s mee hoon kueh.

With that, this concludes Week 03. 

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