Sunday, March 2, 2025

Exhausted week - Week 02 of 4 on solo

24th Feb (Mon) - HBL yay! But still gotta cook her lunch and dinner. Sigh….

Since it’s only lil’ one’s lunch But was so frustrated coz  …. (???) Why? This italic sentence was typed when I was drafting the post in pointers on 24th and now that I’m going thru the post and editing it, I forgot what it was. Haha! Just the usual 不懂每天在忙什么 things I had to do around, never an idle moment. 

25th Feb (Tue) - Returned home to do some housework. Should I go tuina or not? In the end I didn’t. I don’t have the energy to go around the sunny island today. Called mom to see if she wants to stay over for 2 nights but she didn’t want. Errands for the day after I scrapped the idea of getting my body bruised and in pain (a) collect my watch, (b) pantry shopping and packed dinner from Donki (c) groceries run in NTUC. So much better when I have no one tagging behind me. 

Watch battery changed. $68 compared to the must buy whole watch, this is definitely so worth it. 

Needed to drop by Donki to get some pantry items so packed our dinner from there. 

The 手羽焼 marinade is not be the same as the 手羽先 we ate. I dunno lah! I’m getting confused coz when I read the ingredients it’s the same what?! Ay! I remember I should have one more packet of 手羽焼 purchased in Japan left, where is it? 

Always must check with the 大小姐 what she wants. No need to ask 小小姐 coz she only eats soba ALL THE TIME from Donki. 

Back at TMall where I parked the car. Bought otah. Bought some last week and finished. So this week buy again. 

Who in the right mind will buy 30 otah!! Not me obviously 🙄. Last week’s 20 sticks were chomped up in 2 days. But the truth is if I buy 20 for $18 I’m $2 short of getting my CapitaLand points, so might as well buy 30 for $27 I can get 135stars. 

Grocery run in NTUC in a leisurely manner without anyone tagging behind me, without anyone distracting me. First time buying pork tenderloin or otherwise known as 腰肉。 So why they just make it easier and call it pork waist? Hopefully I got the correct part, but expensive lor…. This is the only part we can’t ask to cut by weight. The whole strip cost $17.

The tedious part just to make life easier for self at a later time. Suffer now enjoy later motto when I never get to enjoy at point of time at all. Portioning out all the meat everytime after I do my grocery run.

Started cooking claypot rice for girls’ next day’s lunch

Also frying black noodles for dunno which day’s meal. Just cook in bulk first. 

@ 10.57pm - messy kitchen. 
Bought some pantry items but left them on the kitchen counter top coz I need to transfer some of them into the glass containers. Ha! Just cause I wanted everything to look uniformed and nice I make myself busy.  

My kitchen is already messy but I had no choice to mess it further by bringing down the rice cooker to keep the rice warm.  

Only managed to get into shower at 11.07pm! I still need to return to dry the crockeries and keep them. Like thinking who the heck will see my house right? Why I even bother to keep the dishes and keep the whole place as clean and tidy as I can? Ha! 

26th Feb (Wed) - did che-che work from home today?

So I realised even if lil’ one had that 不三不四 timing last week, I chose to head back home for that few hours today. 

Tidied the Kiehl’s items from both toilets and categorised them together as it used to be all over the place in 3 boxes. So many samples and travel size.

I had to empty out the wet tissue box as I needed to put more Kiehls items into the 3rd box and ordered 2 more boxes from Shopee. I don’t have the time to go down Toyogo shop to buy. Anyway, there’s no urgency. In the end, I left those packs on the toilet floor for 2 days, vacuuming only the exposed toilet floor area. Lazy to the core. Kept them in a plastic bag and left it on the sink area, waiting for the ordered Toyogo boxes. So lazy to even drive down to TP to get the boxes. A lot of time wasted lah! 

Oh…. I just have to type this. I received this travel size from Kiehls NY - the original store. I didn’t know they slipped this in, if I knew I would have asked for more. Heehee! I prefer this over the new one.

@ 4.34pm reheated the black noodles that I cooked yesterday

@ 7.22pm - cooking for next day’s lunch for the girls. This time using pork tenderloin - 腰肉 aka 瘦肉

27th Feb (Thu) - Trip to Meidi-ya @ Great World City. Always so excited to go to a Japanese mart (and it doesn’t carry 100% pure Japanese products)

On the visual lookout for oranges. This is from Arida, Wakayama

To think that I had plans to go WAK during our last trip but realised we need to walk ALOT ALOT just for that few sights. Anyway it wasn’t possible to see the orange orchards anyway at that time. 
Perhaps I should make a post on the みかんs one day.

Location of Arida 

Quite far off actually but it’ll make a good side trips on the way to another place along the way. 

Looking at all the items slowly, one aisle at a time. Donki put a slightly cheaper price tag on their items compared to Meidiya. 

Snacks galore! Had to take pic for che-che to choose what she wants. Ps. We still have lots more Japanese snacks in the bs

Went Meidiya coz I needed to get the (1) だしつゆ. Yah.. I have mirin, cooking wine, soy so why I bothered buying these. Coz I can be lazy 😂, unless a recipe calls for an individual ingredient. With this だしつゆ lil’ one or che-che can easily cook whatever they want too. (2) potato starch. Wanted to get a small pack coz you can always trust they always things in small packaging. It doesn’t come cheap tho - $2.80 for this 100g while NTUC sells it at $1.70 for a 350g pack. I buy coz I don’t need such a huge packet. 

Then ended up with rubbish buys (a) Moonlight biscuits. Ooh….unspoken rule we used to help uplift these for the return set of crew, just like the AJ. Muahaha! (b) butter biscuit. I like to eat this with hot milo-o-kosong. (c) sanrio biscuits coz it’s cute, lil’ one will like it
(d) grape jelly powder. Different brand from the one I usually get from JMart

Oh! Must buy the refill. Love this toothbrush.

Just as I was leaving Meidiya I heard a familiar なにわ男子 song - Flower in the snow. Of course I had to check with che-che the song title 🤭 with the muffled audio recording.

Now as I’m doing the final edit to this entry on 15th Mar, I can’t remember if I went back to cook or I packed dinner on this day. 

28th Feb (Fri) - It’s lil’ one’s IGARD therapy day (@ 3.30pm). We came back home together and I gave her her porridge.   

Used to wait until che che come home and then wash the clothes. Today did the laundry the moment lil’ one returned back. Set heater and by evening could iron all her uniform, still a little damp but not too bad as it makes ironing easier. 

Since was out, I packed dinner from the foodcourt for lil’ one and myself and Mos Burger for che-che. 

1st Mar (Sat)  - Che-che had to go to work at OTH for half day, sent her with lil’ one in tow. Had breakfast at Macs with che-che. Packed both lunch and dinner for us both and returned home at 11+ after packing her Liho. Just going to be home bound. OTH is so crowded on a weekend I was so relieved to leave the place asap

2nd Mar (Sun) - Cooked pasta sauce. Dropped by bro to pass him his. Bro had initially wanted to speak to the girls next week but told him since we’re here today might as well do it today so we won’t have to meet again next week. Weekends are a time when I’d love to nuah at home, especially when hubby is away it just makes it easier. However, it means I had to settle the girls dinner. I ended up cooking so often to feed them. 

Had dinner with them at Ippudo and we went home after that. 

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