Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My yard

Why I love to keep my yard free. Lots of wasted space some friends tell me. I can even make this as a helper room, though it’ll be better that I give her a room 其麻 I never let her sleep in the bomb shelter. There’s louvre window to cover the elements. Maybe only sleep under the clothes, the underwear 🤭. 

Few years back when I was toying the idea of getting an inflatable bathtub, the yard was a place I thought we can put it. Muahaha! There’s a drainage hole to drain out water and there’s even a water outlet meant for washing machine in the balcony which I can use it to refill the bathtub. 

Honestly I feel it’s really weird for them to put that whole area here (the below picture) as Master Bedroom balcony. There’s a door from our room leading out which was a good place to run in and out. This is lil’ one’s fav place when we just moved in. What view we had from the supposed balcony! No bikini clad ladies or hot bod men to lao-nua but pipes, huge ass drainage pipes. 

So technically I just call the whole space as my yard. 

I use the space for : - 

Taken pic on 2/2 (Sun). It’s been a few days under the heater already. At least it did dry a little faster, if not it’ll take forever. This is how I dry my sweaters and thermal. Of course I had to do it a few batches 

Why I love to keep this place as empty as possible. So cooling to do ironing here at the end / beginning of the year where it’s super windy. (Pic taken on 10/2) 

Tomorrow the LEIFHEIT drying rack will be out again. Will need to wash the girls toys. Other than that the space here is kept minimal, I can even do yoga here! 

* post first drafted on 2nd Feb 

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