Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The old-fashioned me

Gone are the days when we have more letters than rubbish pamphlets in our letterbox. With technology and smart phone and all now, there’s no such thing as handwritten letters, greeting cards now. Not that there isn’t any greeting cards for sale now but the selection is little and so few places you can find them now. Why? Even the big bookstores are closed in Singapore!!!! So we have lesser places to go to buy cards. 

Hallmark, American Greetings cards used to line up in rows on a huge shelf but now we see a smaller selection. Having said that, I used to like to drop by these stores in the US to get my cards and cute calendars. Now with changing consumer demands, I’m sure the number of stores across the country (USA) has also decreased. 

Now to the sensitive point - are cards not appreciated and obsolete now? I think for most people it’s yes. Personally I’m the old traditional folk (where I feel that I cannot go to a person’s house empty-handed) so receiving cards from the sender shows the sender’s genuine greetings. One in a million card 不真成宜才怪呢 !  I used to collect the cards and put them in a box until …. I come to a point where I wanted to declutter, so I scanned. And I started scanning lots of the girls’ stuffs for them, their primary school artworks in scanned or pictures. I scanned the cards friends gave a few months later and discard. OOPS! 🫣 sorry my friends if you’re reading this. But they’re all categorised into the years, and I scanned both front and back. 

Then you might think, “I should just send a digital card to you then”. Hmm…I can’t force anyone to send me a physical or digital card. Receiving cards is better than not.

Over the years too, the number of cards I sent out gets lesser and lesser.  not many local friends here send so I do not send to all my friends, only the few who have religiously been sending cards to me and me sending cards to them. I used to be able to get a box of 10 cards and use up everything. These last two years, I buy the least - box of 6 and I have extra. 

This year - 4! 🫣

In my card to Terry, I put in a handwritten letter too. Terry doesn’t believe in social media which pose a challenge to me coz that’s the only way I can maintain contact with my international friends. Since I haven’t held a pen writing for more than 15mins my handwriting went from bad to worse 😂, the letter was so untidy. I couldn’t rewrite anymore as I was in a rush to get the cards out. 

Aiyoh! Now I hope my friends will receive the cards in time. 

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