Friday, August 16, 2024

Buying mooncake

Every year I would buy mooncake for mom - one durian snowskin and one baked mooncake. But this year I have no time to make a trip down to pass it to her and I can’t keep this for many days so decided to get just the baked mooncake.

Going to the fair is not for me to walk around and pick the brand unless I’m gifting some other people, but mainly it’s the ease of travelling to a mall instead of the hotel to get the pathetic amount of mooncakes. The bank gift us mooncakes too which takes us forever to finish so we hardly buy any baked mooncake for ourselves. 

Che-Che changed her mind and decided not to get the Blue Pea flower mooncake (the only thing she eats) coz she says even with the minimum 2 piece mooncake, it’ll take her forever to eat. May turn mouldy. So I got just the D24 2 piece for ourselves and the assorted nuts for mom. 

The girls used to like the novelty flavoured snow skin mooncakes (Thai milk tea, milo, chocolate, oreo) but we haven’t had any luck finding it anymore. We can’t even remember the small bakery name! 

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