Monday, August 5, 2024


Ah nia wanted to bake,but dowan to cook 🤣 
The family can starve, I don’t care.
Just something that I love to do tho I have no idea who is going to eat them. 
#bakingistherapeutic# #nokitchenaid# 
#nothermomix# #justmylefthandrighthand#

Coz I got rid of the 2 huge ikea mixing bowl after the reno (no space inside cabinets), I was trying to use whatever I have at home. And I have to be so careful that I don’t whisk in my WMF pot, so had to think where to put the egg yolks and where to put the egg whites. The bowl for egg whites is small so I had to be very careful nothing spills on the table.
Aiyoh! Why so dark green one?

Then it’s time to whisk the egg whites manually till my hands ache.
Yah. I tell you a lot of times things I do is 自找麻烦的. I like to knead bread manually also.
I’m really crazy…but I did mention that baking is therapeutic. Maybe torturing myself is therapeutic 😅.

As long as I have this music while I bake. I dunno why the cafe music just make me 下多功夫

Then I question myself, what the heck are my two machines for ?? 😂 既然我是自找麻烦我不能 complain.

How come so many cuppies? 34. I think I used bigger holders last time.
When was the last time I baked chiffon pandan? All I know is …this should be my 2nd time baking in the 1 yr 1 mth old renovated kitchen 🤣.
Will ask lil’ one to bring some to her workplace tomorrow.

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