Saturday, July 20, 2024

I wasn’t an angelic crew

Throughout my flying career, I did what I can to help the junior crews. Kind of like paying forward as I met many helpful seniors myself. Of course got the Top 10 tyrants but … really end of the day I always told myself and the junior crew “have a good working attitude”. I do tell my girls too now that lil’ one is also doing her industrial attachment that being humble and a good working attitude goes a long way. 

I had many junior crew who all remembered me as the patient senior guiding them, they remember they did a flight with me when most times I forgot that I had worked with them before. 

But I wasn’t that angelic afterall. I do bully my super nice CS Freddie 😂. Muahaha! It was team flying Then we were assigned a team for a year before they switch us. Sometimes we do get 1 crew who will be in the next team as well. Sadly I was only with Freddie for a year. So fatherly, so gentle then he met a talkative noisy crazy stewardess. 

Why I love team-flying
Perhaps I was lucky I met a lot of nice crew. Ehh….. except for one leading couple, the man is the huge problem. Always picking on us 3 senior FSS. I was the most senior then. But we had the nicest yet known to be a stern IFS having our back. I mean…we 3 got 靠山 and others can see that he and his wife got problem just picking on us even when we do things in black and white. Aiyah! Some people are just crazy lor.. as long as we just do our work (and we were so hardworking k!) IFS KPang can joke with us and do funny things with us even on lull period when he comes down to the galley to see us but when he talks to the couple, it’s all serious no smile. Muahaha! 

The thing about team-flying is we know the styles of our senior crew (except for that crazy couple). Sometimes there’s a slight deviation of things which the senior crew prefers, but it doesn’t get in the way of the meal service or us providing less unprofessional work, we know it without the senior crew telling us. We work hard onboard and then we play hard outstation. 
When one gets a good team, sometimes we also go to someone’s house during our off days or go out together. Nowadays, no more team flying, the closeness with one another is just not there anymore, it’s all just superficial with a “thanks for the flight” and you’ll probably only see them months/years later or maybe not anymore. 

What was the bullying?
I was working in UD JCL then. 
So it was the cake and fruits, Freddie laughed at me when aircraft was bumpy when I was cutting the cake. 好不动就是在那个时刻 at that critical moment when I was moving the cake to the plate or just lifted the cake off. And coz I’m left-handed I usually need to turn the palm logo on plates at an angle suited for me so it remains at 7 o’clock for the passenger. Sorry lor you can’t expect me to cut and plate as a right-hander. I probably would have dropped all the cake slices on the floor. But the weather…oh my … I 流汗💦 very stressed in the cabin. Only my CS can laugh at me while I was smiling to pax and showing him face. 
So when it came to cheese and port wine. Somehow we were helping to dress up the trolley while FS was doing something else. It’s really hard to explain but usually it’s the FS who would do the trolley setup it but coz we all work as a team so all will chip in to setup.  Freddie stood there helping and he was facing the galley, I then saw the opportunity to take my revenge on him and shooed him out and push the trolley. Acting like I’m the senior crew I told him “hurry hurry. Let’s go, pax are waiting.We need to go out now.” I was trying to control my laughter and I’m sure he did see my tricks. Muahaha! He was like ???? One passenger noted our roles were switched and asked why is he standing there instead of me. I replied with a “he’s so handsome and had been hiding his handsome face. So he deserves to be seen by everyone.”  But it wasn’t easy for me, k? I had to plate the cheese while he did the easiest job - offering port and standing there looking handsome and smile. That’s one cool CS I have. He came back and play grouch grouch to me. Haha! 

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