Sunday, July 21, 2024


Who can resist anything cute? esp when one gets back from japan. I tried to control myself so hard, kept reminding myself I need the money for food I cannot nayhow spend. I don’t usually buy things when I go on holidays so this is an exception. 

Joyfull had this cute Snoppy collaboration the time we were there. 

Wah….superbly excited, to the displeasure of lil’ one. I had it last year in Hiroshima and this year in Fukuoka. Her last Joyfull was during our trip in 2022. 

The food looks so so so cute but we went for their normal menu - that’s what we missed. 

Was so tempted to get the plates. But didn’t want to carry fragile items back. Ehh….that was on the 15th where we went to Joyfull @Tenjin for lunch. Nobody can tell the future right? So it happened that the next day >>

I caved in when I was in Dazaifu's Donguri shop. Mio stood there and was shocked at the amount I spent. This is small amount leh! I would have gone crazy in there. She kept thanking me "thank you for contributing to Japan’s economy." Che-Che laughed at her funny Aunty Mio. The till just go on and go as if it wasn't stopping and she kept repeating the same thing. Actually ¥25860 (S$232.46) isn't that alot what?! Don't be mistaken, I'm not showing off ... but if you compare to those who buy Hermes like buying a XXXX, this is really nothing. 

Didn’t get a lot, just got 2 sets of each. But oh boy! They were really heavy! Che-Che took my pink bag to store her snacks, that I went onboard the plane with an ugly looking brown bag. But I’m so tempted. Should I get more when Che-che orders her CDs? 

This is a very special Dazaifu’s souvenir. I mixed and matched it. If only they had Kiki Delivery Service *pout lips*

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