Sunday, February 11, 2024

On This Day - (11th Feb) #Reminders from FB#

11th Feb 2021

When I've got a pea-size brain .. I rmbr some things and forgot abt the rests

When I chanced upon leek yesterday.

After that I realised I'm so cheapskate buy so little, should have a bigger bunch for main door and forgot about the balcony.

Very very simple.

Two wall decos, mirror sticker (cannot be seen in this pic) + this pathetic patch of red.

This year didn't put anything in balcony coz for the previous year and the year before, the wind always blow down my hanging red 🍍

11th Feb 2021

Bratwürste Schweinswürste für mein Mittagessen

Took me/us forever to finish the Bordier butter. The last bit of the seaweed butter. (got it last Now. told u we're not really butter ppl) Thank goodness this not-to-my-liking butter is fertig. Still left with half of the salted butter in the freezer 😬

Putting my new small size grill pan to the test.

Lil' one saw the pan and said "it's like mookata like that." I asked her if she wants, I can bring a chair for her and let her sit by the stove, so she can grill food pretend it's mookata." (But actually she's not into the fried grilled food. She usually dips her food into the broth. It's che-che who likes fried food, so a meal is settled where we can satisfy both fussy girls when we go mookata

With the German imported curry sauce and curry powder, that can be bought here.

Not being too extravagant here but I got the curry powder from German Mkt coz theirs come in small bottle unlike the local ones where they come in big packs.

11th Feb 2015

Spent a long time just to clean the bloody 2 cuttlefish skin. Is it the fussy me or what? Never ending, scrapped still have that slimy skin. #%^*!! Any longer, I would have used the toilet brush and scrubbed with Dettol.

11th Feb 2015

Say GRACE! Accepted with grace.

Delicious dinner prepared with love by Aunty Loh

Moo Han. Thanks!我的小妹又有福了!

11th Feb 2015

Some ppl are just ridiculous and too much!

One ...Aunty already put COUNTER CLOSED, she still insists that she has to open coz it's NY, no counters should be closed. Btw, she don't celebrate NY!! Then she rather stubbornly wait for her to go n come back when she would have been served in another counter.

Now this person before me...insists that someone

"since there's so many ppl vy free nothing to do to run upstairs and check for her something!" I looked she wasn't looking at humans?? And can't she do a quick run for it. She's in trainers.


11th Feb 2014

I haven't packed meals for che-che for a very long time. But since I needed to buy fishballs for mei-mei's snack tmrw, I bought che-che's fav sotong balls and asked if she wanted me to pack for her.

Should see her facial expression when I packed it into the Barbie container. She went "I don't like Barbie anymore!"

My girl grow up already..... But then ..... She chose the Rilakkumma pick n container and told me to pack in the My Melody container.

??!!?!? 😉

11th Feb 2012

We first met 16 years ago, you gave me the impression of a gentle person who has a heart of gold. I liked you then.

Exactly 11 years ago, you officially became my sister-in-law. And we grew closer. You gave my comfort and words of encouragement for the next 11 years until you had to leave me exactly on the day we were bound related by law. By law or not, you had always been my great sister. I am glad I did not hesitate to say the precious three words to you when you were in hospital. You looked at me in the eyes, trying to tell me something and I think you understood my deepest feelings.

I felt relieved that you're no longer suffering but now I'm dealt with grief. I will cherish your memory my dear sister.

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