Monday, February 5, 2024

Me time - making myself look busy

There are days when I just want to do nothing, and not wanting to stay at home. I mean, I can always do nothing when I’m home, but …… when I see the works around the house that needs to be done I end up doing it. 

The day is today, after what feels like an exhausted last week, I decided to stay out after dropping lil’ one in school (school hours : 1pm - 5pm). I don’t have to leave house twice. 

Simple things to do while here anyway, do it today so the rest of the week I don’t have to. 1) Needed to withdraw money from ATM for angpows
2) do a little grocery shopping? I hope I don’t fight with the crowd upstairs. Don’t think about it so far yet. I’ll probably hop upstairs in 3hrs time. 

In the meantime, I shall sit down with my atas drink, music, updating my ‘too many saved entries backdating to the longest 4yrs back’ blog and maybe start planning holiday itinery. I seem to have attention problem, always jumping to do one thing to another so quickly. 

Ps. This Starbucks is hot! 

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