Tuesday, January 23, 2024

On This Day - (23rd Jan) #Reminders from FB#

23rd Jan 2017

Pretty flowers 🌺 blooming

So ❤️ this Adenium. It usually flowers 2-3 each time.

But this time, it seems to know it's going to be CNY, it's blooming more for me. I've never seen so many bloom.

Huat Ah! 💰 💰 

That's my first pot of hibiscus (two pots away) and it's always blooming for me.

The full bloom hibiscus is the 3rd pot of hibiscus I have.

Hmm..... I still hv yet to go down the nursery to pick out NY plants. What shall I get?

23rd Jan 2015

*Ranting away*

Told lil' one to reconsider taking part in any event for Sports Day last week because it means sacrificing time from her Art class, compo class and maybe Ballet class. I know its not a good advice from me, but I was thinking of all the shuffling classes and the adjustments I have to make on the chauffeuring for the 2 girls. Gives me headache when things fall out of place. Then, she came home happily with a piece of paper ... DUH! Gotta adjust her Art class and then I'll prob have to bring che-che home first. Just incase lil' one not home in time, at least che-che takes over her piano slot first.

Ok, pray hard she don't need to go for Selection Trial 2. *bad mummy*

23rd Jan 2015

I stepped into Katong Swimming Pool for the first time in ...32 or 33 years!!!

Lovely memories flooded my mind. I walked around and just feels like I'm walking into my old school.

Truth is, I swam like 2-3x a week there when I was young so I did spend quite some time in that swimming complex.

It's run down, condition as old as my age. I'm surprised they didn't renovate the place. But in a way, I'm glad they conserved it for me to see it today.

The ramp we used to run up and down before/after class. Oh! The doorless kids' shower area. On days when I went swimming with the school, I told my mom I washed myself. Haha! She had to deal with spilt ends and damaged hair.

And those water spouting animals in the baby pool still scares me. On our swimming days, my bro and sis had to gang up and go "deng deng deng deng..." Jaws the movie was popular then. I screamed and ran out of the pool. They left me in trauma!! If you think sometimes I am crazy, it's all thanks to them. Keke!

Actually, as I related to 2 other mummies, that becoz' of those water spouts animals I still had some fear in me. I was swimming in hotel in Istanbul, suddenly I saw Medusas spouting water from my sides. I was so frightened and went out of the pool after that.

23rd Jan 2015

Girl in pool with school today.

I had to go to the pool coz she has ballet after swim, had to shower her there and whisk her off to ballet from pool. At the same time, helped the teacher and another 2 PVs there.

Wow! Even the teacher told us she used to swim in there; the mummies too!!

Aha! Maybe I kicked them in the pool before.

23rd Jan 2014

Almost became a sensational news yesterday when I was stuck at the carpark barrier for ... more than 5 mins. Ahem... a line formed behind me.

I came out of car almost want to bang the intercom again. Some drivers behind must be thinking 'another mad woman blocking the carpark.

Security extremely slow in response. I pressed the button so many times n no response. After about 4mins then someone spoke to me. Oh man!

23rd Jan 2013

My absolutely crazy schedule starts from next week onwards. Think I need a caravan instead and camp overnight in East Coast Park

23rd Jan 2013

Just what the heck was I thinking?? I kept thinking today's Thursday n went to the school. Shucks! Hope the noodles n Fish n Chips don't turn too soggy.

23rd Jan 2013

Any suggestions for place where I can bring my lil' one for a shower (instead of heading home) in the East area?

Their late dismissal on certain days plus me having to go back twice to pick one kid each time leaves me insufficient time to do anything at home.

23rd Jan 2010

is HAPPY!! Aricia finally pee-ed in the toilet bowl. *dancing*

23rd Jan 2010

added 5 new photos to the album CNY Baking.

They look more like tau sah piah. Put in generous amount of fillings.

Footnote written in 2017 : Wah...never even get to bake anything this year.

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