Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Back to scanning

Now back to scanning some music books which no one has touched for a very long time. 

Not sure if we will get to using it again one day, so this scanning task could be a "why-the-heck-i-wasted-hours-doing-this" or "thank-goodness-i-have-it-in-hard-disk". Scanning these books is not just a simple scan and throw. I need to cut them to a size that fits the glass scanner, scan then throw.  

Anyway the reason for me scanning some books now is I need to clear some space in the bomb shelter to put in other music books that is currently on the piano. Need to start packing some loose items away for painting job next week (22nd and 23rd Jan)

Haiyoh! why did we buy so many books. I think next time should just digitalise everything in the house. Can I digitalise my kids too?

Just the day before I helped to scan some certs for lil' one’s resume and thought maybe I should also scan in other necessary certs. Nope! Not throwing away the hard copy but just have the soft copies just incase someone needs it in pdf?  Argh! Why should I bother about the girls? 弄自己忙而已。Let them do it themselves lah!

I’m forever doing things to tidy the house. Why like never-ending job one?!?! So tired leh! 

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