Saturday, October 21, 2023

On This Day - (21st Oct) #Reminders from FB#

21st Oct 2017

Che-che's always so envious when I told her the number of musicals I've watched in London, Manchester, New York. And how tired I was for one musical that until now I had no idea what I watched. (dozed off, woke up, dozed off. The CSS and me so comical - front row somemore!) She appreciates musicals, instrumental music. Pity that West Side Story was right smacked during exam period prep, if not I would have brought them to watch. Always nice to rub rub that music interest in them. And I feel che-che shows more interest in music than lil' one.

21st Oct 2017

She's been stuck in her room after her exams.

Listening to music; fiddling with new phone for a while to add stuffs in AND reading!! Bought books again! Thanks to her uncle's Pauline Patrick Teo Children's day gift.

Wah .... too extreme right? she keeps complaining that our library don't have a lot of books. And ... she only bought a small fraction of what she's been wanting to read. Gasp! Never mind, she told me one day that after her O's she wants to work in Kinokuniya part time. OMG.

21st Oct 2015

To my KC classmates,

In keeping tradition, KC has put up an adaptation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

This is in celebration of KC's 85th Anniversary and as part of our school's fundraising efforts.

Performance will be held in our holding area in Geylang Bahru.

21st Oct 2014

Overheard a girl's conversation with her dad while queuing up to pay money.

Girl: Daddy I have compo exam today....XXXXX

Dad : What did u write? How did you start your compo?

Girl: One fine Saturday morning xxxxxxxx......

Dad: (acknowledge) oh! So it's a public library not a school library....

Girl: xxxxxxx (pauses to think as she recalls) (I giggled coz she's just like Aricia)

Girl: oh! There's a helping word 'flower'

Dad : so what did u write?

Girl: "the smell of flowers greeted me"

Me: (burst out laughing n turned to look at the dad)

Dad : what?! You're in the library or the park??

Hahaha! Kids ah....

21st Oct 2012

Lil' one at 11mths. Cute hor?! She was making alot of noise ... She started babbling and talking a little earlier compared to Che-Che. At that time, we were really happy to hear her talk... Years down the road, we had to continuously tell her to "put your finger on your lips. Keep quiet for 3mins"!

21st Oct 2012

This is interesting, was kapo to check on meaning of one of lil' girl's friend name - Pheadra.

See the link between the two (extracted from http://

"Theseus has been gone six months from Troezen. In his absence, Queen Phaedra fights a guilty passion for her stepson, Hippolytus, and he nurses a secret love for Aricia, a princess of Athenian (enemy) blood, to whom Theseus has forbidden marriage.”

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