Friday, July 28, 2023

On This Day - (28th July) #Reminders from FB#

28th July 2021

A friend posted this up in her FB, we were either in Sec 1 or 2.

che-che 长得像我吗?

#mygoodnessilooksonerdy# #familyoftrueblueijgirls# #proud2Bkcians#

28th July 2021

All over and done with. Yay!

Except for fever that lil' one and I had for the last y and tiredness we all experienced the next day, we are all well. No arm sore except only on the day of jab itself.

Other than that, we're all awaiting for vaccine to

"take effect" 😬

#neversleptforlonghoursindaytime# #thankstohubbywhohelpedtopickliloneupfromschool soicanrest# #anotherpanadollaternsleepearlytonight# #ndtorechargeforanotherbusydaychauffeuringtmrw#


28th July 2016

Some time back, che che said a classmate brought melted marshmallow with Pebbles and shared with the class. That it's nice and asked me to do it one day.

I misinterpreted the whole thing n mine looked like this. She saw, slapped her forehead n smiled. It's nothing like what her friend did.

Hee! It's ok, I'm only going to do 6. And she gotta eat it for breakfast whether she likes it or not!

Hopefully next round can do better.

28th July 2016

Must sneak a pic. Then she spotted me.


28th July 2016

Champion for Division 2B : Good Hope School

Symphonic Band.

KC Band 3rd place. console myself, 1st in local schools for Division 2B.

Girls worked hard. Parents have to do extra chauffeuring on weekends. Tiring month!

28th July 2016

Looks delicious. Can look but cannot bake this coz nobody fancies green tea except me.

28th July 2016

Haven't done this for the longest time.

Reading & listening to classical music and a drink from Mcs.

If only I can prop my feet up on the chair across me.

28th July 2009

feels like baking but ... the kids are keeping me so occupied.

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