Tuesday, May 23, 2023

New role for the day

Che-che’s first PTM STM (sibling teacher meeting) with lil’ one’s CA (aka FT) just because she didn’t want to go home after accompanying lil’ one for her therapy. 

Mrs Ng said she could meet me earlier before the P’s talk. I’m so thankful for her suggestion (tho it meant I had to cut short my aunty yakking with my friend, N.) so I don’t have to wait in line after P’s talk. 

Che-che burst out laughing when she heard her sister was being praised for being a helpful girl and made the monitress. Laughed again when heard she was a good girl. Haha! “How can she be good? When teachers all come to me to complain about her.😂” 
Mrs Ng complimented that she’s always looking out / taking care of one girl who gets bullied in class. I’m proud to know that lil’ one is unprejudiced and is very helpful to that special needs classmate when she’s a blur sotong herself. Honestly I noticed she’s really special since kindy reaching out to a boy to help him, tho she can be mischievously naughty she has an empathetic side of her. 

Going into the auditorium, che-che was stopped by an usherer 😂 asking if she was a student. She turned to me after that “I don’t look young what?!” I reminded her she probably look young amongst all the parents here and “she even has a 20yr old classmate!”

In the auditorium waiting for the Principal’s talk, she expressed her boredom to me and asked me “why are we waiting? Why is he late?” LIKE I KNOW!?! ASK HIM LAH! 
When P came from the seat, she asked me “how come he come from the seat not from the back of the stage? Usually people come from the back of the stage what!” LIKE I KNOW!?! I’M NOT THE PLANNER.
When P mentioned the word “your young adult” she burst out laughing. “So funny..why say young adult?” 
She fell 😴 asleep lor ……… and asked me “you mean you really listened to him the whole time?” When I recounted this funny incident to hubby, he chuckled and asked if she snored. Well, he would probably sleep in there too. 

First time she’s not the person we’re discussing about during PTM and it’s really hilarious to see the other side of her - the childish 21yrs old girl 😛 commenting all the funny things.

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