Friday, April 28, 2023

Review with Dr Yap

Sigh...... there's definitely improvement for functional aspect. She has to use the progressive lens that is given to her when she's doing work. Tentative she need to use colour layers which I have to make an appointment for another time next week for the Syntonics and Colorimetry Test - arranged next Thursday (4th May @ 3.15pm)

He did a few tests to see which colour suits her for the overlay temporary. It was all based on her comfort level and it has definitely changed from the first consultation.

Her purple overlay

Just before her last therapy, Ms Wong did mention that she won't feel tired under yellow lights but will feel tired with white lights. Haiz! And to us normal people we would recommend to use white light. I can't remember which tutor was talking about our yellow light and should change it. Was it her tutor or che-che's tutor? Oh well anyway this post is not to identify who the tutor is and defend her, we didn't know she had this problem then.  

Then comes the million dollar question - does she still need therapy? Wah.... $5K plus is so expensive. Have to correct her, but I guess it doesn't take just 3 months to cure her eyes which she has been using wrongly for the last 17 years. Sigh........ I thought no need anymore so made arrangements for renovation to commence. Argh! Must either plan/book therapies and see if hubby can bring her or I'll choose either Mon and Fri (if the dates are available). We need to help her, no choice. 谁叫我的小宝贝这么特别?   

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