Thursday, April 20, 2023

On This Day - (20th Apr) #Reminders from FB#

20th April 2023

A cutie girl in SBucks reminds me of lil' one when she was vy little.

This girl also never sit still, always moving, happy smiley pretty girl. When she grabbed her bottle, her parents were quick to prevent any accident with the glass on the table. I had that heart thumping moment when I saw it.

Yup! I've been there; done that! I'm retired taking care of helpless dependent kids. At least my pulse rate has been normal for many many years.

20th April 2020

Who has been hoarding brown sugar and vanilla essence? Cannot find in so many places!

20th April 2012

Lil' one suppose to draw a fairytale character. Dunno what to draw, so I showed her Ariel pic.

She looked at it and exclaimed "but mummy I dunno how to draw... (pause n look). Never mind I draw ah...

Later u dun say I draw very ugly. I draw the bra, neh neh pok first." ROFL

20th April 2011

So proud of Aricia. One mummy told me she went to her crying boy (they're classmates) and brought him into the class for the past few days. N played with him.

20th April 2011

Dunno if u all wanna try this. Use your child's name and try to write something about him/her. I start with this:

A - Always

R - Rattling

I - In the

C - Car and | - In

A - Any place.

20th April 2011

OMG! I was so tired n zonked out while ... Aricia was

"reading to me a bedtime story (her English assessment book)

20th April 2010 

A post from Aunty LH in my FB :

“ Yr little cutie said to belle this am - colorbelle, can u be my fren - the moment she saw belle hahahah so CUTE.”

20th April 2010

Sigh! My lil' girl will be a PR in the Principal's office next time. Teacher SY told me something this afternoon. My lil' girl's not even 4 and know how to lie. ?!?! Rebellious kid. Ms See... I'm going to date you for kopi one of these days siah!

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