Friday, March 31, 2023


I was editing a backdated post to CB period in my blog (yup! It's that late) and I looked out of the house from the dining area's mirror. No one has walked past my unit for the last 30mins or so.

Feels so surreal, though it was scary at that time in 2020, the whole place was so quiet (. My unit's a high traffic area and nobody walked past, even my Mr Sunbird didn't come by (he couldn't find a mask that fits him). I kindda miss that time when I don't have to leave the house tho I was slave from morning

to night, going to bed with a bad backache n tired legs each night. Peace was broken with the girls noisy during their 'break time' or 'school's over', I didn't even have much time to play the electone or tinkering on the piano keys.

Fast forward 3yrs later, this was almost the time when the girls had to clear their lockers and I told them suspiciously that there will be a lockdown.

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