Sunday, February 12, 2023

Closing the IJ journey chapter


Lil' one dons on her school uniform for the last time today (for the anward ceremony) and I'm closing the chapter of my two girls' IJ journey. Whenever there's a closing; there's another reopening (my grandkids?).

I know they always say they hate school and can't wait to get out, I believe they only meant getting out of the education system not the school. For the school not only holds memories but virtues that they are taught and shown moulding them into better women for themselves; for the family and for the society.

May my girls continue to treat others with respect and sincerity. May my girls overcome any difficulties with confidence and be humble. May they continue to have the friendship with their friends for life.

Here's me signing off ironing the white blouse and blue pinafore. 

One set of uniform and PE attire is already in the top cabinet, sealed and kept for her. The only physical items I kept for my children individually. 

#ijgirls# #maytheyshareschoolhauntedstorieswiththeirdaughtersnexttime#

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