Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Mind is tuned to music

Just as I was so excited to plan the holiday itinery in October. We only booked our tickets on 10th Oct, just a day before her last paper. Read this previous post. I had too many distractions around me then to fully sit down and get into serious business. First I was rejoicing after her last paper (11th Oct) that I didn't want to do anything to 'using my brain'. Then came the holiday (19th - 23rd Oct)  which I thought I would have some time to do some research on my iphone in the night. On holiday means I don't have to be thinking so much since I don't plan the itinery and it led around by the tour operator. Correct? That means I have the time to do some research and planning for next trip right?  

No.... aunty is busy ironing the socks dry in the night or the jeans. To think that I like to boast I'm a light traveller! I'm a slave during holidays. 我自找麻烦咯! Next time travel with full set of clothings and undergarments and socks.  

And when I did after returning from Vietnam, I get distracted again. Can't seem to sit still, I need to go to the fridge to get something to snack on. Not really helpful when I'm not on keto now, so basically I can munch on anything I want. If not, I'll be guai guai sit down and simply drink water and will be forced to do what I need to do.

But alas, when I set myself to do it few days ago (29th Oct) the work music I played just didn't motivate me any further. Instead it was lulling me to sleep. 

I guess the mind is just tuned to certain music as I work on the laptop. 

Classical or jazz doesn’t help me now, only Christmas 🎄 music. For many days I’ve had my jazz n classical but I kept getting so distracted and kept changing music. On 31st Oct, I decided to change my music and I’m so proud of myself. I don’t get distracted easily and feel so productive planning itinery with Christmas songs. Now my mind is finally ENGAGED.

I guess it’s what I’ve been doing for many years as I plan our itineraries. It’s amazing how the mind works!

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