Wednesday, August 3, 2022

So disorganized

Fuming mad with lil’ one. 

Whether it’s the crucial exam year or not, she’s always so messy. Stepping into her room is very very traumatising. I can spend 3 hours tidying up her study table and bookshelf, but within 15mins of her back at her desk she’ll mess it up again. 

How many tutors go into her room? Only one - which I think I should be thankful that I only had to make sure her room is presentable once. Imagine if all 6 tutors had to go into her room, 我做死我自己。

She has papers all over the place, her table and the shelf where all the time she just leave it at the top of the magazine holder and then it drops behind the holders and get crumpled. And she starts complaining “so crumpled. I don’t like to see my papers and books crumpled.” Rubbish! 

Where mess come from?
The mess came from the papers tutors gave. Tutors go thru marked papers. Once it’s finished then file it up lah! Never! Then paper here n there. 
Later tutor come and ask where is last week work? Then she has problem finding it when she goes back to her room. After tuition, she’ll hear nagging from me again and she’ll look for it to find out it’s on her table with the pile of worksheets. Bloody hell! Damn fed up. 

Mess also comes from school. She doesn’t file her papers that often. 

How difficult can that be? If every time she files it up, she don’t have to spend half a day filing up the accumulated mess. Always reiterate to her Organized = mess free space = brain also clear. 
I also hate it when she don’t write date on her papers. I can’t even help her file when I want to do it, when I asked her when was she given this piece of work. “I dunno..” OMG! Really just feel like smacking her. 

I should not see ; no scoldings from me right? 

How come I’m so organized but can have two disorganized kids ?? Yup! Che-che was also messy before. I’m just thankful that she has no hard copies of Uni academic materials. Can’t wait for next year, I think lil’ one will have less papers in school right? 

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