Thursday, June 16, 2022

On this day - 16th June #Reminders from FB#

2017 dead. My brain is dead. What was I suppose to do tmrw??!?!? 

The most dreaded thing that can ever happen to me! Notes, schedules and some recent photos/ contacts. ARGH! 😭
Temporary using lil' one's phone coz she dropped my previous old phone n spoilt it! No more spare phone at home with mini SIM card.
Hate this!


Deprived masak masak childhood huh?

My silly lil' one wrote this telling us what she saw in the Zoo. Haha! 


I've a sheep and a donkey at home.
Che-che always like to say "like that meh?". So I call her my sheep
Mei-mei likes to say "oh! yah hor!" I mimicked her by going "yah hor, hee hor!". She's my little donkey. 


Ah doh! One of the things I wanted to do this school hols is to re-organise the children's things from their wardrobe - other stuffs over to their room. Discard some stuffs and ............I totally forgot about it!!!

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