Sunday, November 28, 2021

How does a workout affect glucose n ketone level

Whatever diet plan one is on, we all know that exercise works hand in hand together. Nothing is easy in this world, you gotta work like shit to get to that slim figure you want. If only dieting can help, gyms can close down their businesses. 

Likewise in a ketogenic diet, a workout affects the blood glucose and ketone levels

How is ketone developed?
Ketones develop in our bodies when we mobilize fat as fuel. Fat is an important energy source that is used by the body at rest and during exercise. Ketones are a general term in medicine used to describe the three main ketone bodies that the liver produces – acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone.

How workout affects glucose?
To understand how a workout affects glucose, watch this Youtube video by 2Fit Docs

If you're a dummy like me who prefers pictorial explanation, this is a good video by DiabetesforBundet

How Exercise Affects Ketosis and Blood Sugar Youtube video by Optimize with science

So the million dollar question, is exercise on a keto diet a necessity to be successful in keto?
Dr Berg answers this question well in his video Is Exercise on Keto Diet a Must for Keto Success? 

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