Friday, July 16, 2021

Repeated orders from Ketojunkie

I think we've qualified for their VVVIP membership. It's my 4th purchase within ?? months. And I notice everytime I get the healthy junkies from her, my airfryer is out for days. 

A breakdown of my purchase
1) Lekor  x6  $120
2) Curry puffs  x2 $44
3) Double chocolate puffs  x3  $78
4) Cream cheese rolls  x2  $57
5) Pizza puff  x1  $24
Total cost : $323/-

Made a slow nice drive to her place to collect the items before picking lil' one up from school. It's nice to see her again, such a friendly person. 

Didn't order chicken puff, no space. Che-che said my 6 packs of lekor is not enough?!?!  
Look at our small freezer space! And I also need to watch my weight, otherwise my effort in going keto is not worth it. Really tempting to pop the delicious puffs and rolls into my mouth but I want to fit back into my kebaya. 

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