Monday, April 19, 2021

On This Day - 19th April #Reminders from FB#

19th Apr 2011

Aricia's rubbish yak while drying her hair:

One little Aricia jumping in the floor. I fall off and bump my head. Mama called the doctor n the doctor said, no more Aricia jumping in the floor.

Two little (pause)(look at something on her)蚂蚁(ant) crawling on my hand, I smack one and it is dead!


19th Apr 2011

False alarm! Make me stay in gym for only 15mins, school called to say Ari hv slight fever. I had to shower n pick her, go there - no more fever. Aiyah! Highlighted to teacher abt her weird high temp.. Teacher apologized but I told her it's ok, coz at 8+, a little high I'd worry too. hv a hearty breakfast?

19th Apr 2020

I have the time to exercise as I don’t hv to cook dinner tonight. Yay!

Footnote : Haha! Day 13 of CB (which was a Sunday). Well, during CB there wasn’t any weekday or weekend coz they’re all the same. The only difference is that I don’t have to be mindful of the time I walk into their rooms (live zoom) and mindful of “recess time/lunch break” to get their food ready in time for them. 

And I was so tired. For someone who hardly cooks, this is really overwhelming especially when they need the typical 3 dishes meal kind. 

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