Monday, March 15, 2021

Day 1 - Day 8

Took my ketone and glucose test a day before (7th Mar) 
Actually after taking this first test, was wondering if I should have done it tomorrow instead. Oh well, don't think I'd want to prick my finger again

Day 1 (8th March - Mon)

Bright and cheery chirpy morning. Ehh....see me rolling my eyes? It's more of lil' one chirping away in the early morning while eating breakfast to check if I was really going to start keto. 

Honestly, it did seem easy. Afterall all those recipes that I had bookmarked (in laptop n handphone seems like I was going to have a good time, I won't die of starvation and the food looks .... I was so excited to start keto. Or so I thought! 

  My lunch portion looks like a prisoner's last meal. OMG! It is huge for me! I struggled trying to finish the meal 


Dinner is pulled pork. Ehh....does this look like dog food to you? Was told to avoid fatty stuffs for now, try to eat clean. So it was butter-less, just black pepper and black pepper. Bleh! 

I'm not a habitual water barrel, so I was really surprised that I drank almost 2.5litres of water today. But I kept going to the toilet. It's a good thing I started this on a day where I'll be home. As this will be my first week on keto, I'll try to stay at home more often.  

Day 2 (9th March - Tue)

Did another test

Day 3 (10th March - Wed)

Day 4 (11th March - Thu)
Jessie said maybe I'm struggling to meet the proteins coz I only have 2 meals a day, so they suggest I should take my breakfast. So today I tried making chaffles. was happy coz didn't use the waffle maker for quite some time

Bloody hell! Look at the mess! I didn't have time to cleanup as need to leave house. it me a long time to clean this in the evening. The oil was dripping from somewhere onto the kitchen top. cleaned with vinegar + soda + lemon EO, cleaned with Gong grease, cleaned with Cif. I wiped so many times. The final one was 3x cleanup with solely vinegar just to be sure it doesn't feel greasy anymore. 
Yay! my baby is as good as new now. 

My first exercise while on keto so not sure how I'd be - if I'd survive all the boxing and martial arts. But OMG I perspired quite fast, only second track I was so bloody hot and reminded to pace myself and rest if need be. I do not want to be conveyed to the hospital if I suddenly collapse.  

I read that it's better to go low intensity in ketosis and puzzling as I am not sure if I was going into it soon. 

Lunch time - can see but cannot eat. Laksa... I took my phone and immediately keyed in safari "is laksa keto friendly?", "keto laksa recipe" I suspect this is going to be something I'll do often.    

Then to our fav noodles. M'sian wanton ... I keyed in "keto wanton noodles" 

No choice, ended up ordering from here. the food has always been nice and is still

Not bad. I spent $13.50 for this and it saw me thru 3 meals. And this is yummy, makes me want to pack it again soon. I love the seasoning. No sauce, no fries, no coleslaw. The lady also didn't know how to charge me though I told her it's ok she can charge me at the same price just don't give me the fries and coleslaw as i'll end up throwing them away. 

For dinner. I weighed the remaining pork chops that I had packed home and estimated the lunch serving in grams. Did an eye ball calculation, turned out I may exceed my proteins if I ate all the remaining. So weighed whatever I could eat.

This is only 60grams!  But not enough fats (my macros) so took out 50g lurpak butter  

Day 5 (12th March - Fri)

Abit smarter today - used the pan to make chaffles. Just spray oil / spread butter on pan and then cook over the stove. No splashes, no oil spills. 


Lunch - the leftover pork chop one Italian sausage and an egg

Dinner - needed more fats so added avocado and butter. It's best not to take anything with sweetener for the first 6 months of keto, but I hate the taste of beef. I need something to mask the taste.  

Finally remembered to take pic of scary self, took measurements

Day 6 (13th March - Sat)

Day 7 (14th March - Sun)

TMD! I gained 0.3kg

My face slimmer though. That's fast! I swear it's not psychologically me looking at self and commenting on this but people did say I lost some weight. Well it's water loss for now. 


That's all for this Week 1. Let's see if I have the energy to blog down my keto journey on a weekly basis or not. 


I think I'm just too rigid? I struggle to think what to eat the night before, then calculate the macros. Open the fridge/freezer door, calculate n then open/close freezer door to put back, take out wah......such a tedious process. 

Day 8 (15th March - Mon) - Lost 2.9kg in total so far. So fast right?

Had lunch outside and it's a bit worrying coz pretty worried if I was able to make a good choice, as a mistake might cause me to ... ehhh.... ok anyway I'm still not in ketosis so I won't get kicked out of ketosis.

Lunch : The girls wanted Sanpoutei but since I couldn't eat anything there so I told the girls I'll go to the German place on my own. Had a naked burger with extra beef patty and egg and topped up a sauteed button mushroom. I didn't add cheese coz I thought it came with it and wouldn't like double portion of cheese n it would make me really full. But I realised that there wasn't any cheese. Oh well! 
This was the first time I asked the staff so many questions before placing my order. 2 other staffs walked by and asked if I needed sauce, one asked if I was on a gluten-free diet. 
The portion was big for me, I was struggling with the egg and patty, just too full so ate really slowly. So slow that for the first time the girls finished their meals faster than me although they went into the restaurant late.    

Dinner : I didn't know how to count my macros for lunch and thanks to Sandra who came to my rescue to suggest something for me for dinner. I'm not sure if I've gone overboard with proteins during lunch or not. 
Sandra suggested crabmeat omelette. I added rubbish spices into my mix (garlic powder, chilli powder, black pepper, salt). Food tasted bland though, so I think I should marinade the crab meat next time? Served with a small teaspoon of keto chilli crab sauce. Wow! So fitting! 

Took my test in the evening and these are my readings
Ketone : 1.1
Glucose : 4.0 
GKI calculation : 3.64
What does my results mean?
Lower GKI values are associated with more therapeutic benefits of ketosis (cellular repair, autophagy, apoptosis, reduced inflammation, disease prevention).

Dr. Seyfried does a lot of his research in the realm of cancer treatment and has noticed increasingly impressive therapeutic outcomes with the lower the glucose ketone index ratio gets. Dr. Seyfried claims that a GKI of lower than 1.0 is prime therapy for patients with cancer, and he has plenty of data to back this up.

Is this in english? haha! If this confuses you just as it confused me, hope the below pic gives you an idea

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