Friday, November 29, 2019

Has Orchard Road lost its charms?

Has Orchard Road lost its charms? Or is it me?

I can't deny that in my younger days, going to Orchard Road is definitely more boastful than when I say I went to Tampines to shop. But with malls springing up in every neighbourhood now and seeing the same shops - Watsons, Giordano etc.. 不去也大不了。

我也不想念  Orchard. Infact, if I needed to shop, I'll shop at Parkway Parade. Chop chop and get all my errands done in one trip. Parkway, Tampines Mall, Hougang Mall have all the things that i  need. And perhaps it's also due to the crowds. I HATE CROWDS!! Orchard Road is one massive mess on weekends. I dread going there, the girls dread it too. We only have to go more often now as their orthodontist is in Orchard. Even when we (family) had to go there for the girls' birthday treat, we made it there quick quick and came back quick quick. Good thing we didn't have to jostle in the train as well.  

So why do I hate crowds so much? Perhaps it was the lifestyle I lead. During SQ days, I have off days when everyone else is working. So even when I window shop or shop, I didn't have to deal with mixing with the crowds. Now as a SAHM, I have free time to shop before lunch time, before the office workers have their lunch.  

Not that I enjoy shopping too. It's really rare as what some friends say "you were a stewardess before, you should love to shop". Not then and not now. Then, I didn't mind shopping overseas so that I won't walk out in the streets and have someone else in the same clothing as I do. Now, I have to think when I shop. I have to think on which to throw away before I shop. I guess I'm living the minimal life now, just have my basic needs and I'm happy.

Orchard Road, though with the many branded stores, don't appeal to me now. Even this LV lover don't shop in LV all the time. I mean, I had some bags which still lasts till now, is there a need for me to shop? I guess not, I'm not a social influencer, I'm not a tai-tai who hangs out with all the other tai-tais that I can't be seen carrying that same bag all over and over again. 
Probably with the youngsters, Orchard is still a hip place to hang out. So move over old lady! It's time for me to hang out in Wan Yang (massage chain) instead. 

Comes Christmas season, we never hung out since the girls were older. We used to bring them out for a walk, not until once when we had party revellers anyhow spray the confettis into the air. It scared me coz' one of the girl was on daddy's shoulder and it would have gotten into her eyes. Anyway, I don't really care about the decorations there now. Seeing the simple decorations overseas is even more refreshing and nice.         

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