Friday, August 16, 2024

On This Day - (16th Aug) #Reminders from FB#

16th Aug 2022

YES! Another date in Sep with che-che


Now I'm prepared to watch the whole film with live orchestra.

16th Aug 2018

PSLE 2018 Oral in 8hrs time

16th Aug 2016 at 10:20 PM · 
"My brain is not working. Oh my! I need to rest for few minutes. I look and look at the question.... I just dunno why I can't read brain is really not working"

So funny! It was relatively early actually but just sent her to bed.

Comment in 2018 : That's the lil' nottie one BTW! 

16th Aug 2014 
Che-che took a short break and loomed. Not completed though!
(Want to get turquoise - good quality band. anyone can sell it to me??)

Comment in 2018  : I've cleared all the brand new loom bands all bought from US online. Looming has died down. Kids' interest dies down so fast, so learnt a new lesson - never bulk purchase anything coz I may end up disposing/giving the items away. The bands were given away.

16th Aug 2013


16th Aug 2013 at 6:57 PM
Daddy had to change his password to his iPad. Lil' one peeped at his old password before. This time made sure she don't see. And so she spent her time trying to guess the new password. After some time ....
"I know! It's not 'LOVE' now. I think daddy change to 'iloveyou'. 

16th Aug 2013 at 1:58 PM ·
" Athena STOP PLAYING with Electricity!!"
Aha! She finally got it lighted up.

16th Aug 2012 at 10.22 AM

七早八早 I received another nagging. So pissed! 
Lil' girl nagged at me for making her skip school. "I love school, I cannot miss school, u everytime becoz Che-Che no need to go school I also cannot. Not fair (pouts her lips)! I cannot skip school anymore, I miss my Language Art class." 
I call her my mummy. She nags at me for pulling her out from school, for staying out late etc...
Funny lah this girl! She makes a good 管家婆.

Comment in 2018 : She has a strong sense of responsibility. Even now, though she don't look forward to school that much being in upper primary, she still drags herself out of the house when she's not feeling well.

16th Aug 2010

My hao-lian girl still talking about her earring. Talk big only. Ahem..... *rolls eyes*

Comment in 2018 : I lost track. Is this her first piercing in On Cheong Jeweller? The 2nd or the 3rd?
Ahh...... her first piercing. I have evidence of her refusing the piercing in the other ear. However I must commend her for not crying for long. 

16th Aug 2009

* posted in MMI FB 


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