Thursday, August 15, 2024

On This Day - (15th Aug) #Reminders from FB#

15th Aug 2023

Che-che can always read my mind; we have the same sense of humour.

I didn't know lil' one knew about the macaques in the compound (hubby told her when he sent her to school), so when I went over to pick her up I told her she has to hurry later when we get off from the car.

Coz she's always the last! I park car grab my things, che-che n I always have to wait for that lil' grandma to take her things and open her car door etc...

When I mentioned that, che-che cont'd we will need to run back home. All the while I didn't mention to che-che we should tease lil' one and she blended in so perfectly.


Even funnier when che-che said she will push her sister to the monkeys as a bait so we both can run back home

. I think we have harmed lil' one

psychologically #nomacaqueswereharmed#



15th Aug 2021

It's really no joke... just cause the lil' "worse-than-pregnant-lady" girl craves for this and that. She says it and then presto it appears. #wermagicians#

2 consecutive days to the area

• Lucky she's not in

Sentosa, I won't make the trip there, and she can jolly well order Grab food herself.



She craved for soba. Even this simple meal can make her happy.

Chilled and packed with ice-packs enroute to hotel.

For her dinner today

I'm definitely not going back there on a weekend!

Where else? Uncle wanton.

Just coz daddy says pack for her, today she had 3 ppl to make the trip down to do a food drop. So 大牌!

For today's lunch

15th Aug 2019

After the last post on the demise of my ice-cream attachment, I contemplated if I should get the attachment again. I made my choice and let's see when I will start making ice-cream.


Anyone with Kitchenaid ice-cream maker and needs a spare dasher and ring adapter? Do pm me if you want it, if not l'll junk it at the end of this month. TQ!

15th Aug 2016

And lil' one said there was some "noise" outside school area "that maybe it's JSchooling" so everyone in her class ran to the window to see. I told her he stays somewhere in Marine Parade.

Then she continued " nice if we can see him in Parkway Parade hor?" 😄

15th Aug 2015

Grew only 9cm in coming 2yrs??

And yes, I managed to bring the height sticker chart from old home to new home.

15th Aug 2015

Thai basil minced chicken.

( portion is really small coz I'm waiting for lil' one's leftover)

Really taste different when I used thai basil instead of the sweet basil. Yay! My plant better survive long long!

15th Aug 2014

Happy Leftie to myself and Wilma Cheng!!

15th Aug 2014

Che-che was craving for Popeyes. Luckily they opened a new outlet in Kallang Wave, I didn't hv to make the trip down to Bedok Point.

Alas! Raining, so photos are dark.

Lunch then back to a crazy Friday schedule

15th Aug 2014


15th Aug 2012  

Hahaha! Ask her to memorize Shichida poem. She did a little n then start scribbling this. 
Oh no!! Signs of my girl being a doddler

15th Aug 2012
Decorating cuppies. Relax first ......... then ready to battle tomorrow

Comment in 2018 : Simi battle? SA2? She was P4 then. Pic taken in I12. And so much has changed in there, so many shops open and close. Used to be my hangout place with lil' one, routines changed as the kids grew older. Soon, I'll be so free to paint the town red.  

Comment in 2024 : I had the earlier comment in 2018 coz initially I did the “On This Day” in 2018 too. Obviously with lesser posts and I didn’t know what would happen in 2019,2020 and so on. Isn’t it great to read back what I wrote 6 years ago. 
yah so I thought life would be more relax when the girls are older. As at this year, they are both 18 and 22. And nope! I’m not able to paint the town red. 小的时候忙、大的时候也忙着她们。

15th August 2012 
Don't think you'll ever patronize lil' girl's shop if she opens an eatery next time. Cut sausage on the table; put one on pizza; put the other one in her mouth; drop one on floor; picks up n put on her own pizza. Yeeks!

15th Aug 2012

My girl hates me, everytime she asks me "mummy, how to spell xxxx?" | asks her back and then she starts spelling and writing out for me. Then grumbles

"u nvr tell me answer one..." pouts her lips n then continue doing her work.

15th Aug 2010

Watched the Opening Ceremony, kids irritated me with the "I've seen this flag; I know this is so-and-so country flag" etc... SIN flag came out last (host country), our eyes were on TV. A few seconds later I turned to look @ Aricia, who was singing her "Mari kita..." and waving her flag, copying the lady. LOL

** in the post’s comments 

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