Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I feel so much better today..... it's the first day of FREEDOM.Glig Graphics I can't explain that relief off me. It really feels that I was the ONE SITTING FOR THE EXAMS. 

Imagine, days before I was running through revisions and since I had been hands-on since Day One, I know where her weakness and strengths are, I know where she tends to be careless. Like a fortune teller with a crystal, i forwarned her how doomed she would be if she neglected areas or misread certain Science questions etc...
And suddenly everything just disappeared with the typhoon. GONE! RELIEVED!

And guess what? I must have been that overly exhausted that I overslept!!!! Reason for exhaustion is mentally and physically having to handle home, education and girls affairs solo. On PSLE days I was worried of oversleeping and woke up almost every hour. Hubby, who returned just few hours ago, roused me from sleep "ay! It's 7+ already." Shucks! Just a sleep and I totally forgot I had another daughter (lil one). She panicked.... and first thing she told me "I need to go to school today I have spelling." Haiyah! Spelling only not exam not PSLE." 

I am an irresponsible mom. I could have brought her to school but she would reach at 8+ close to 9 since it was close to 8 when I was awoken. But in the end, the laziness sank in. I need a well-deserved break moreover she's only in Primary 2..... She can catch up. Anyway she had been revising on her own. I need a break before I get myself busy with her exam preparation.

Che-che had requested to go Orchard Rd days before, she even asked daddy when they Facetime-ed. So after lazing in bed for another 2 hours (not enough for me but I wasn't going to deprive myself on a trip down to Orchard) we set off. In BBW -Taka bumped into a schoolgirl. Haha! When you see any kids not in school at that time, they must be the P6s. Had a nice time lazing doing nothing, for me I know it's short-lived happiness. 

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