It's funny, I don't seem to welcome this year. It's probably because this is THE YEAR for my first born.
With my first-born, everything is a FIRST TIME for me. For the first time I learnt how to change a baby's diapers; bathe; how to feed and what to feed. It was my first time 'building a solid foundation' for my kid in academic ways
When she went into Primary 1, I followed her. When her grades plummet in beginning of Primary 3, my heart ached. When she excelled, I shared the joys with her. When I say I cursed and swore at the education system in Singapore, I'm not joking. The thought of me, at 30+++, still studying with her irks me. (Though I must admit I do feel good when she thinks so highly of me asking me every question) Solving and challenging her to work faster than me in solving those stupid stupid ridiculous Math questions. Cracking my brain to think of how to answer those Science Section B questions, guiding her. Funny! I never seem to crack my brain that hard when I took my PSLE?!
I'm not a genius and I'm learning along as she grows. And I'm proud to say I'm an experienced slave driver.
There are times when I learn from my own mistakes but this year we can risk to make any mistakes at all.
This year will be my first timer as a PSLE-er. ARGH!! I have no idea how well prepared she is. I scream at her daily reading her compositions.
I wanna cry.. I've a whole bookshelf filled with composition books that Popular bookstore had transferred their stock to me - if you know what I mean.
I made her memorise phrases and she don't use it. I practice Oral with her and she doesn't score that well. I get frustrated when she mispronounce her words, I get angry when she , in her haste to get it over and done with, give me slipshod picture discussion. I wanna wring her neck when I see how careless she is in her Math. So what if she is a divergent thinker? She has no logically thinking when I scold her over the same thing all these years. Needless to day, this year is not a year to repeat those mistakes and rightfully gain back the marks that she has been losing. I think I do sound a little panicky huh?
(Duh! I think I just repeated my sentence!!)
On another note, here's to more "complaints from lil' one's teachers" - I want to get myself drunk. Hmm..... I wonder what silly and funny things she'll do in school.
To my girls, STUDY HARD!!
Hello lilly Ann ,you are now in sha? Good for you !