Thursday, September 1, 2011

The day when the school is run by ...

the parents! Yes, it's that time of the year again. For three consecutive years I had been going back to che-che's school to bully the children.

This is the day when the teachers don't come in to school until 11am. And the parents be a teacher for the day. Nope! Thank goodness we're not there to teach, I'll go crazy before the children do. We basically take care of the children.

And looks like my prayers worked this time round. For two years I've been taking care of P1s, though with a buddy parent it's tough having to be so sensitive to children complaining about one another. (blame it on my sensitivity when I hear minute squabbles) I didn't wish for an upper primary class too! Coz' they can be rebellious too, but honestly speaking the girls in our school are very sweet. How often do you see children greet you "Good morning Aunty"?

This year, I'm tasked with a P3 class. And no... it's not my daughter's class, they wouldn't pair parents up with their children's class. Last minute, my buddy couldn't turn up so I had to run the show myself. And well, it's a class where I had see some familiar faces definitely coz' I know some girls in there. So I'm alright. Infact I'm having so much more fun with them. No cry babies at all; no fighting. The girls and I had enjoyed our short 1-2 hours together.

Started the day in the school hall with a short address by the school Principal. A talk by an ex-principal on Friendship. Thereafter ACES Day. I wasn't in my sports attire and was like a siao charbo hoping around with the kids. Well, I was as red as lobster after that. The girls went for their recess while I proceeded upstairs for a break myself. After all that hopping?! Goes to show how old and useless I am.
To keep the kids entertained we played Pictionary. And this time round I allowed them to call me 'aunty' instead of my married name, which we had to self-introduce ourselves in the hall. With that, the formality is gone but with due respect still! The girls were awesome! Such angelic girls - honest!
Gave them 10 mins to draw/write on the board for their FT. FT came in and I asked the girls to wish her. Kids were really happy to see her crowding around her, I left quietly and pleased with myself for a job well done.

Next year? I'm not sure coz' by then KZ would have already left our household so nobody can help me pick up lil' girl from school. I might help again the following year (2013) as lil' chilli padi would be P1.

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