Wednesday, February 9, 2011

传家之宝 - Part 1

Was packing my bento stuffs as it was quite messy. Don't like it when KZ anyhow dumps in after washing them. Anyway, it's good to re-organise them since my inventory seems to be increasing (but nothing's done on my part)

Quite alot of stuff. Mind you, it's only a fraction of my worldly possessions

Rice molds, sushi mold. In Snoopy's set - rice mold, cookie cutter + stencils
Decorative cutters

Side containers
Sausage cutters
Rice molds
Sauce containers
Plastic bags, sushi bags
For bread use
Egg molds
Egg mold
Not enough space for new items coming in, so will need to get 1 more set of these?
Meanwhile, let me take a break first before I continue re-organising 2 other cabinets


  1. WOW! I bought some of these stuff too but never used it!! I was considering doing it for Nicole but never got to doing it!

    Can we arrange a weekday before or after school to do this together? Teach me k?

  2. Hi Shanna,
    I'm not that good also, u want to learn from this 半通水?
    I'm suppose to try to arrange one with the girls at my place during school hols but now seems everyone hv their plans this March. Will definitely include you for future events.
