Friday, December 4, 2009

You sure??

Saw this book online (but no I'm not buying it. Gonna borrow instead). If my lil' one can really potty train in one week, I'm going to find ways to write to her and buy 10 books in support. If it doesn't work, I'm going to write a book on "WHY YOU SHOULDN'T TRY TO POTTY TRAIN YOUR KID IN ONE WEEK" - citing examples of my girl. And she has to give me free editing; free publishing; free marketing. Heehee!


With just a little know-how potty training will be as easy as A,B,C...

Gina Ford is the queen of routine, and one area she knows from experience that can be a big, scary hurdle for parents is potty training. The good news is that it's very easy when you know all the tips and tricks and there is no need for tantrums or endless hours spent sitting with a toddler who refuses to go potty.

This very clearly organised book answers all your questions and makes potty training easy, and even fun. You will quickly learn:
- How to know when your child is really ready
- How to make potty training fun for your child
- How to reward
- How to deal with little accidents
- Why you need a potty for upstairs and for downstairs
- How to help your child get over bed-wetting
With a little know-how from one of the UK's leading parenting authors, potty training will be as easy as A,B,C...

Gina Ford has over twenty years' experience of looking after babies and young children. She has worked as a maternity nurse all over the world for all kinds of people, from lawyers and bankers to newspaper editors, pop stars and other high-profile media personalities. She now runs a consultancy service for parents.

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