Friday, July 24, 2009


I had a great day today.

I had the company of a lovely lady (no no.... I'm not a lesbian), I did major shopping (swiping the card with a huge amount. I wish I was out shopping for diamonds for myself but no....), it was a day meant for Me, Myself and I!

Met up with a long time good friend. KZ helped to pick the children up. I was suppose to pick che-che up after her gym. Turned out there wasn't any gym today and she's dismissed the usual time. Didn't have a choice but to choose my friend over my kids (bad bad mummy) coz' she took leave to spent time with this Ah-soh.

Prior to meeting her, I took the chance to bulk purchase the pastas for the kids. Popped by Art Friend in Ngee Ann City to look for my velcro dots but nah! wasted trip.

Went down to PS, had a really nice time chatting up with her; catching up with our lives (though she keeps herself updated thru my blog). Thanks so much for your time, W!
After our date, I tried my luck (again) in Spotlight for the velcro dots and finally their shipment came in. Yay! I dropped by 3 different shops in a span of less than 30 mins. Superwoman right?

Zoomed down to United Square to stock up on all their Vitamins in Vitakids. Spent a total of close to $500 which is damn ridiculous! All because I buy what I'm suppose to buy (eg. Multi-V, Artic Cod, DHA) but also I have to buy those I shouldn't (eg. vegetables) - when they can eat the fresher and clearly more minerals real vegetables!!! That should last me 3 months, until I stock up again in my birthday month. Yay! More discount!!

Of course all these are made possible with the help of KZ, who..... I suppose must have a hell time trying to control the 2 of them in the bus. Gave her more money to take the cab if she can't manage them but I suppose they'll end up on the bus coz' che-che been wanting to take the bus.

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