Sunday, October 19, 2008


I'm not surviving well, I'm dying. I'm dying soon..... I'm dying to bake!!!!! Argh! 20 more days before I can start whipping and heating up the oven.
Speaking of baking, I didn't realise that all these while the butters I bought for baking are so expensive. Of course lah! Made in Denmark leh! My baking costs so much, if I had a business I'd go bankrupt within one month. So I'm looking at stocking up on Anchor next time. I still have 3 more butters in the fridge.
Will it be my long awaited eclair? or I'm dying to try Green Tea cake or ... I want to bake so many different kinds of cakes.

I had this funny dream on Tuesday or was it Wednesday? Remember I mentioned that I was hoping for a trip to Japan?
My dream was >>>
I was about to go back flying with the airline and my first solo flight is heading to Japan (just like my 1st SNY flight was to Japan too). I was in the uniform - nope! not the sarong kebaya but a blue jacket JAL uniform. (I'm not sure if they've changed their uniform). JAL?? Why am I in JAL? I don't know.
And the funny thing is when I was ready to go, bring the bag out of the house. I looked into the mirror and realised I haven't trimmed my eyebrows and there were alot of stray eyebrow hairs. I tried to use the eyebrow blade to shave but I already had my make up on and I couldn't ruin it coz' I can't waste anymore time @ home re-doing my make up.
I woke up to the alarm beeping. Sigh... wonder if there'll be a sequel to my dream.

Infact a week ago mom was telling me someone she knows has gone back flying with Cathy. And as far as I know that lady quit the airline a long time ago. So mom was telling me to go back flying, all I needed to do was to trim my tummy, and "you're not fat at all..just your tummy." Consolations?? I think so.

Goash! Alot of backlogs, alot on Aricia & the childrens' blogs but I'm so tired to blog now. Even now, my mind auto shuts down at 12+. So it's no time + too tired to blog now.

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