Friday, August 8, 2008

Athena ...

keeps yakking away while we were watching the opening ceremony. Oh boy! She's even more talkative than me.

She was so interested when the teams came out, noticing the flags and trying to identify the countries. Then there are some where she can't recognise the flags but read the names on the screen and said she saw it in her book. I'm talking about all those remote countries hor!
She kept asking about.... "where's Myanmar?"

Like I said she kept yakking and yakking that we weren't paying much attention to her. I have no idea what she was talking about a big country.. I heard something like "the country so big hor?? The country is big like 'Roos'."
Funny! When she's talking sense we didn't pay attention when she came up with a funny word we heard her. Hubby asked "what Roos?" "Roos lor! A country. The country very big." After some time I realised and said "it's Russia not Roos (Rus)."

Umm........don't think she don't pay attention or remember things. She does, just that sometimes she irritates me/makes me angry.

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