Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Stuffed with chocolates

Baked a whole cake, very different from my usual small and fast cupcakes.

It's chocolate cake with chocolate toppings. Baking it was easy, trying to decorate it simply was so-so. I tried to slice off and level the cake but then as I put the frosting I notice the cake was .... slanting? A slope? * embarrass*
I didn't eat the cake coz' I gave the whole thing to my family. I only took the scraps (so poor thing) and it tasted alright. I dunno how my family will react to it, whole household lao-sai tomorrow and help them to get MC from work??
Some things on top of the cake that will convince them to eat the cake - Ferraro Rocher.(thank goodness with my small slope, they didn't roll off) - hee! And some sweet words on the cake (which kindda melted as I lifted off to put on cake and a portion of it melted on my fingers - explains the 'y' is not complete and I forgot to put the
dot on the 'i)' to make them go "aw...." and finish everything and forgive me if the cake is not nice.

成功 or 失败?? I don't know I must ask my family tomorrow and make sure they're not lying to make me happy.

The cake!!

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