Monday, May 5, 2008


Athena pointed to a toy box that says Made in Isreal, then she asked me "mummy what is this. Is re?" "It's Isreal, a country."
"Oh! Isreal? That's number 18. "
"What number 18?"
"Number 18. Sure, I very sure."

Then I remembered the map in her room and the flags. So I asked her to point to me where is Isreal - spot on! Determined that it's sheer coincidence, asked where is United Kingdom. Immediately she turned her head slightly to the left and showed me. Where is China? Spot on again!!

Ah ha! You know what I learn today? Next time you want to send your kid for a time-out spot, paste something there. Actually I didn't punish her, but since I bought the map I saw her going there in her leisure time a few times. And once or twice she hid herself there when she didn't get things her way and she was throwing tantrum.

A few days ago, I decided to test her on the various flags in a school. I pointed out to her and she answered me. I thought "wow, my daughter genius siah! Can recognize Mexico and Canada flag." I was smiling............then KZ had to tell me "mum! there's word on it. She read the word." Duh! It's not her being a genius but the mother is blind!!

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