Sunday, April 13, 2008


2 of my 5 parcels arrived in a one day. The Shichida parcel came in the morning in a big box. I just woke up and couldn't really open my eyes but THAT box opened my eyes as wide as an owl.

I really like this : 読み書き名人. The DVD is interesting and...... Athena will love it, they have a little practice on the character writings.

In the evening, Mr Postman left another smaller parcel in our letter box. And it's the first batch of bento accessories that came in.

Yee........ha! Happy happy!!


  1. OH WOW! I'd been eyeing on the punchers for sometime but they're too expensive. How much did you pay for them?

  2. I paid US$20 each, in total plus shipping is US$54. How much is the one you eyed?
