Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My 2nd 爱心 lunch

It's really so difficult that Athena is superbly fussy about her food. If not, I can use food to decorate her meal and there are definitely more choice of food to give her.

I woke up late too! And rushed through preparation, this is what I made today :
a) A butterfly rice, which I thought it looked more like a bone with some denbu on it. Rice decorated with seaweed and cut butterfly imprints.
b)Her favourite luncheon meat in butterfly shape, and chicken nuggets. Yah! That's how fussy my girl is over her food.
c) some papaya and strawberry (she won't eat strawberry-it's for decorating purposes only)

I think in order to do a good bento, you must have an idea conceptualized in your mind ( I don't, brain cells are dead. I stare at the thing and wonder..) And I have problem - seems like this container is oval shape and challenging to put the cup liners. And this container is small?
I don't know.. I have alot more to learn!

Her lunch packed up for school and in a plastic bag. Ohh.......this is so wrong. I need a oshibori cloth
She seems happy >> wait till she eats the lunch I prepared for her. And she better eat!


  1. This sure reminds me how undomesticated I am. *haha*

  2. Hee! The can food all come in handy.

  3. nice bento.. i got a 6 and half mths old baby gal. looking at the lift lobby backgrd. think u live near me.. ..:)
    but anyway.. it is a great inspiration for making great bento for me.. wanna to make one Hello kitty for my DH for trial, haha.. i think he will knock my head..

  4. I wonder if Athena is as fussy as Louisa when it comes to food. Like you said, it'll be more fun and easy to make nice lunchboxes for them had they not been so.

  5. Hmm...
    1) chicken rice without the chicken
    2) prawn mee without the ingredients
    3) plain rice with canned olive vegetables
    4) only likes papaya (and that is only 1 yr ago after I forced her/bribed her)& banana
    5) picks out all the greens even when it's so small
    6) don't like to drink soup
    7) used to like fishball/fishcake, now don't like
    8) picks out corns, carrots from her fried rice, she's really eating just the rice! Most of the time she also picks out the eggs.
    Alot more... you say who's more fussy?

  6. Ok, Athena wins. :p

  7. Yay! Athena has finally won something!!! HaaHaa!
