Saturday, December 22, 2007


19th December - YJC

She's going on to Book 3 next year, so as usual there'll be a mini concert at every term end.

Mom, KZ and Aricia was there to support her. But.... that noisy girl had to be the first and only person to be kicked out of the class. I foresee Aricia's behaviour in school next time.
Athena : teacher will scream "Athena, pay attention. Stop daydreaming"
Aricia : teacher will scream " Aricia, sit down. Aricia, stand outside the class!"
By then, history will repeat itself just like in my sister and my case (in my case, I had the teacher keep calling me my sister's name. She was rather well-known in school) but it'll be reverse role for them. Teachers will say "are you sure you are Athena's sister? She is so well-behaved, you are not!"

For their concert, they did 2 songs : Sky Games and Drumming Cat
Played one repertoire : Hush A Bye
Played two solo repertoires : Frenchfry Bandit & Honeybee March

1st 2 pix :- Sky Games
3rd to 7th pix : Drumming Cat

Singing Sky Games

Drumming Cat


Playing her 2 solo repertoires

Concert repertoire : Hush A Bye

Ended the concert with christmas songs. The parents were the ones who sang more than the children.
* PS : I have problem uploading 2 other videos, do check back after Christmas. Thanks!
21st December - Violin
Very sad to know that this is her second & last concert for violin, until I decide to put her back in again (and she is old enough to press harder and practice diligently. Don't need me to scream at her everyday)
Playing her solo piece : Lightly Row

These are some other songs played by other 3 students :
Song : Down By The Riverside

Song : Silver Tears of the Moon

Songs : Hark The Herald , etc..

Finale song : Twinkle (all variations)

Group photo of Ms Low's students
Yui, Athena and Balraj
Thanks to Hiroe, who gave Athena a Christmas present. It's a DVD!! A Japanese DVD.


  1. Athena plays not bad, wat. Needs to play a little more confidently though. How long does she practice her electone each day? If she enjoys, can always let her continue the violin.

    I'm surprised at the standard of the older students that you posted though. For their age, they really should have looser left hands and bolder bow movements, especially the one playing the Gr 5 piece Silver Tears.

    This is at Yamaha?

  2. Really encouraging to hear such words from you.
    She is okay, teacher say her problem is she don't use strength in pressing strings; bowing hard and sometimes stringing other string.And yes, she lacks confidence. She needs to be pushed all the time!!

    Oh! Sometimes it can really take me up to 1hr on the electone, coz' I go thru everything, then she makes mistakes I make her practice again and again.

    Actually, I thought the Down By The Riverside was okay, though he didn't bow properly?? like quivering sound? That boy who did the Silver Tears apparently after I stopped my video he made some mistakes and the teacher had to prompt him to play, he was lost for quite some time.

    Yes, at Yamaha. Where else? NAFA?? Not my girl's standard!

  3. All my kids have private tutors, but yah, it can be lonely. That's why they are in school orchestras as well.

    It's not strength needed. It's actually letting go (with a little direction). The bow arm has to relax and rest onto the strings, instead of always be supporting the bow.

    You try to hold the bow yourself and then rest your arm on a table (totally rest) to see the difference in muscle strength I am talking about.

    It's like trying to push a baby stroller with your arm strength versus leaning (resting) your weight onto the baby stroller. Both ways the stroller still can be moved, right? But the pushing using your leaning strength is less strenous, right?

    The down by the riverside boy had rhythm problems too.

    Your girl shouldn't be spending 1 hr practising at her age, I think? Wouldn't she be so tired?

  4. Oh is it? I didn't know he had rhythmn problems too. Coz' I don't play so I can't really hear it.

    Yes, it is long. I also want to keep it short so that I can rest early. But she keeps making mistakes, so I have to correct her. Otherwise what's the use of practising if she plays wrongly?

    There's solfege practice too. I play the notes and she sings the solfege for me. Need to practice on her hearing. Very lan!

  5. "Down by the Riverside" is a Southern Blues kind of song, so the feel has to be appropriate.

    This is how it should sound like:

    As for practice, maybe you can break it up? Even my 8yo boy doesn't put in more than 20 to 30 minutes of practice. If he makes mistakes, he'll just concentrate on the problem areas for a few times and then that's it. He'd get back to it the next day.
