Friday, November 30, 2007

A very nice present

When I got home this evening I was still sulking over the conversation with Masako in Shichida early this afternoon. I had asked to purchase some products from their Japan store and I needed her help in recommending the items to me since they were written in Japanese and not like I can read Japanese well. I made the appointment to see her after Aricia's class. She came with the catalogue and we proceeded to the Meeting Room. So I was feeling very happy right? Then she pointed to this and that etc... then she dropped the following sentence "but our office cannot send the products over to Singapore?" I was surprised, they do get shipments for some products so can't they just like combine mine in one shipment. I don't mind waiting, in fact I waited for over a month for 3 CDs before. So the question is "how can I get the products?" "they send to Japan, unless you ask someone in Japan to help you" Oh my! who can I ask? Mio? She's pregnant with No.2 she'll be so tired.. Okay, that's beside the point. The fact is the week before we conversed for a short while before deciding to discuss proper today , I had already made known to her that "I'm purchasing some Japanese stuffs from your Japan Shichida " Don't tell me Masako-san わからない? Argh!

In the evening, KZ passed me this :
saying "Japanese neighbour give you this." I jumped in joy! It's Anpanman! He's かわいい, he was my first lover in Japan. You'd see alot of Anpanman in the Japanese section of Books Kinokuniya too! Okay lah! In my half past 6 Jap, I knew what this CD is about already and I'm even more happy that Kaiyoko was sent in place to lift up my spirit after the sore disappointment I felt in the day. アンパンマンとはじめよう!お歌と手あそびステップ1 元気100倍!おゆうぎしようね 《主な収録内容》 ●大人の人と手をつないでできる簡単な踊りや手あそびの歌を収録。 サンサンさんぽ/おおきなたいこ/こぶたぬきつねこ/げんこつやまのたぬきさん/いとまきのうた/てをたたきましょう/むすんでひらいて/おおきなくりのきのしたで/トントントントンひげじいさん/グーチョキパーでなにつくろう/チェッチェッコリ/ゆりかごのうた

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