Thursday, October 11, 2007

The whole lot to talk about

How? How? One more month and we still haven't decided if we should get a chalet, just for the party or have it in our 110sq m home - technically smaller since it's only the living and dining area.

But hubby went "kena bitten by mosquitoes again??" To which I thought to myself, "yah only me and Athena got bitten by mosquitoes, not you nor Aricia!"

We aren't rich to have any clubs to use their function room.

I think at the rate we're going... might as well do it in our home. And then no choice have the food placed outside (have to borrow space) from Mrs Bay - near the main chute. Eeeks!! If not for my 2 doors away neighbours' plants, it would have been possible to put it just outside our main door, all the way extending a little to their space.

Need to collect my cards from the ulu place - Pioneer Rd sometime next week (after the playdate) and print out the rests of the Shichida's Everyday Life Sentences and return it to Angeline asap. Try to paste the words behind (could have done the writing but my handwriting very ugly) etc... I think it should be it. See whether I have time to print out a few topics of the flashcards. I have alot of things in my laptop pending, and taking up memory space. Need to delete them asap. I tell you, I'll cry if my laptop crash on me.

Targetted to end this : 31st October and leave the rests till later date

Birthday planning
I have some things done a couple of months back when preparing for Aricia's party. So it's finishing the final touches, doing the birthday invitation cards, decorations etc.. ordering of food. Plan start date : 1st November
Birthday party : I think it should be one day before her actual birthday - 24th November (Saturday) so everybody including myself can rest well the next day

Small table
Anyone have a small table for kiddos to sit down to lend?? If not, have to ask my handy father if he can help with something for me.

Finance check
Copyland called to inform that the stuffs are ready for collection. Guess what's the damage?? $596.60. Why so much?? Had alot of worksheets for normal photocopying + some flashcards which is 11" by 11" and I have to use A3 paper coz' we tried to shrink it to A4, quite impossible coz' we haven't really gone through the rests of the stacks of flashcards, some words might not be printed out. And then the font size might be too small to read. So it was A3 + lamination, coz' I don't have the time to DIY on hard paper etc...
Could I have saved the possibly $400+ to DIY on my own. Yes I could but I don't have enough time. As it is, I have too many cards to print and have to do it slowly. Yet.. slow but still not enough time spent with Aricia in the daytime.
$596+ gone, I still have to spend some more for her party. Sigh........anyone needs a part-timer???

How to rest??
Moo Han told me at the rate I'm going I'll die. Well, she isn't the first one to tell me. Wilma told me to slow down, mom tells me to. As you can see, it's one thing after another I'm always kept busy. Perhaps over zealous in giving the headstart to my children. Perhaps geh-kiang, want to bao-gar-liao everything. Perhaps suay that my children's birthdays are 2 months apart.
I'm always giving myself a target time to start and end doing things so that I can do it slowly. Slowly it seems but I'm always asking for more than 24 hours in a day still! Besides preparing whatever I have to prepare, I still have to go through the daily grinding with my girls. Honestly speaking, I should thank KZ for being such a great helper. Most of the time now, I have to leave alot of child-caring job(Aricia) to her while I try to finish what I have to in the day.
The only time I rested?? Yesterday! When I'm down and sick, I finally have the chance to delegate jobs and make everyone else busy. You see lah! 1 down, 3 other people busy. So am I really useful or not?? Am I indispensible or not?? Hubby fetched Athena to school and the blur him had to leave the music bag in the car. She didn't do well in class, mom dunno what's going on. Today she comes back, I'm going to grind her further into powder. She stayed overnight so it means I have time to relax and recuperate a little. (which also explains the entries in all 3 blogs posted) Hey! Blogging is part of my hobby liao leh!
Honestly it felt good that I'm doing nothing even with Aricia. It's like I'm a confined at home tai-tai. I was so relaxed; woke up to have KZ asking me what I want for breakfast. The only time I was with Aricia is to bathe her and give her lessons and play with her. Isn't this good life?? No Athena to make me angry.
Time check : it's now close to 12pm. Gotta post this out; bathe Ari; study; drop cheque; pick Athena and everything is back to normal. I hope! But I'm still so tired. No choice, I guess gotta relax a little now. I can 't possible fall sick on playdate, cancel also very spoil mood. Must get well now, must get well now.............

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