Friday, October 19, 2007

Still here

I am thankful for my friends who came in support, it has made my job lighter. Thanks to friends who offered to come by to help me out while I take a quick snooze. It's okay, I'm used to hard ( and suay) life.

So the update is, since midnight her fever has gone down to 35, 36. But now it's slowly climbing up again. 36.2, 36. 4, 36.8, 37.2. Eeeks! *fingers crossed* Dr Menon was saying if we feel comfortable and by 5pm we can opt for discharge. But they still prefer to see how. If not, I think tomorrow she will be home. As for virus, they still can't find the source even after repeated tests from her stools and nose. Virus is just like her, playing peek-a-boo all the time with us.
Her rashes seem to have gotten worse, said it could be due to virus. SIL said it's what they call the mock measles.
Dunno if it's the forced down leng yang shui that brought her fever down or was it really her body has fought the virus out.

Today is the 19th. Does it call for a double celebration? Thought of getting a small cake for her, for making a great impact in our lives the past 13 months and also a celebration for her getting better as each day passes. Dunno lah! See how...

Anyway, what have I been up to since my last blogging last night. I was really tired when I posted that out, good thing I copied the whole thing over. Sat there and went to koon-ning land. So I turned off, not knowing what rubbish I've written in the last part of my blog. Okay, once out I can't be bothered to re-edit coz' it means more time wasted.
I said "we take turns right?" Turned out I really konked out all the way until 7am. I was told Aricia woke up and played peek-a-boo with me under the cot. Obviously I didn't know what happened. I was that tired out!!
Okay, think I shall stop blogging for now. And start saving pictures into the laptop for flashcards making.


  1. I am sorry to hear that... I understand what you are going thru. My girl kenna febrile fits when she is about 16mths too. I also freaked out man...She was diagnoise UTI on the second day and stayed in KKH for about 4-5days and took antibiotic for mths. I think the rashes Aricia have may due to the lengyangsui she drank. In chinese, they said the toxic was forced out of the body. Anyway, I hope that your girl will be discharge soon and pls take care of yourself too.

  2. They can't find the source of virus for Aricia. BTW, can I check how did you manage Shannon all these while then? Fever management immediately once start a little fever?
    Dunno leh, mom said it's mock measles.
    She'll be discharged tomorrow for sure, pray hard temperature don't go up tonight.

  3. Before her first fits, I don't really take her fever seriously.. I thot it will just go away soon or after.

    After that incident, I somehow monitor her fever more closely to avoid febrile fits and her private part for UTI. :( Doc in KKH told me that fits might re-occur (i think till 6years old) if it happen once to my girl. T.T

  4. Hi Jasmine, yes.. that's y now I get so paranoid when she has fever.
