Monday, October 8, 2007

One step closer to my grave

If having one big kid is not bad enough, I'm tasked with another naughty kid. Why? Why? Why? What was I in my previous life?
Athena whines "I cannot do it, I dunno etc.." whenever she's needed to do her work or revise music lessons.
Today, I'm faced with a younger girl who plays and flings things about. Early this week, Aricia was able to recognise the letters A & B, she'd point out the cards to me; give it to me or give me the magnets. All correct! And I'm talking about consecutive testing over a few days, I don't count it when I notice she has preference for certain hand be it the correct or wrong answer. Today, she decided to protest. She threw the cards away; threw my magnets away (sim tia over the magnets coz' they are the LeapFrog Phonics letters, afraid will spoil it.) Put it in simpler words, she refused to do anything except to play.

What have I done to get 2 kids who refuse to co-operate with me? See lah! One step closer to my grave!!

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