Saturday, October 20, 2007

My playful girl is discharged!

She was the talk of the ward - the orchid hair baby. The nurses and cleaner likes her. The doctors commented that she didn't look like she needed to be there (too active; too playful).They hi5-ed & played peek-a-boo with her.

Once after I step out of the hospital, I'm going solo. And so, I needed to find out more information and asked to be taught on how to manage it. I pray that I don't need to handle such situation again. Of course I briefed hubby on it and he was like "you mean she turned blue at the clinic??" OMG! He didn't even listen to me when I made that phonecall to her ! I'm sure he'll freak and feel the heart pain if he saw it himself.

She found out another useful usage for this splinter, besides hitting the cot & then us with it....
Cleaning the window!!

Thana came to remove the cathether (I think that's what they call it right?)KZ turned away and squealed when they pulled out. "It's okay.. it's plastic. you see it's plastic." Oh... I was fooled too, I thought it was needle and was fooled into thinking that my girl is so brave moving her hands about. When I had that needle in me, I dare not move that hand much.Hee! Oh I must comment that my girl is so brave, she didn't cry when it was pulled out rather she cried when Thana was holding on her little hand putting pressure on the site. She cried and tried to retract her hand.


  1. Glad ur girl is discharged! It's really heartache to see our dear girl going thru all these. T.T
