Wednesday, July 18, 2007

So where am I nearer to now??

I thought I'd be nearer to heaven - since I promise I'll be an angel mummy.

But no.............. I did try (not that I didn't) and then she starts whining "mummy, I cannot do it. Mummy I cannot play the notes, it's too fast. The music is too fast." I started preaching and my temper got worst. So now, I'm still stuck in the same position but oh no.... I feel a little hotter on my feet.

After her music revision, she walked out of the room (my helper told me later coz' I didn't hear it) "who say I cannot do it? Last time I cannot play Cuckoo, now I also can play already." I told helper "of course lah! how many times I screamed at her; how many times I have the cane next to me?? How can she not improve??"

I thought it's really not easy for Athena to catch up the fast speed in stringing her violin, and she does well in class. I checked with Ms Low on the CD that she's playing for the kids during their violin lessons, apparently she can adjust the speed of the song. But alas! she got hers in a Suzuki conference and she directed me to Music Essentials in Le Meridien where she was told one of her student's mum bought something like that. I went by today after gym, they have it. But it's in MIDI and I ask you which computer nowadays still have that floppy disk thing?? I got 3 computers at home and all dun have!!
Was hoping I can get her that so that she can slowly pick up her speed and not just jump into the speed immediately, at least this is one way where it can boost up her lack of confidence.

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