Thursday, July 19, 2007

My baby2 is 10 mths old!

Woah! It's so fast, 4 weeks have passed by and this time we've celebrated Aricia turning 10 months old.

Let's see what's her accomplishments so far :

- making funny faces

- throwing the phone down from the cradle
- refuse to walk with the Pooh walker (could be phobia after the last incident)
- crawling a little faster

- babbles more. And conversing with us in her babbly language and looking at us waiting for an answer

- now prefers to do fly-kiss. When she does the proper goodbye, she hardly mouths the word "bah bah" anymore
- naughtier but sometimes she seems more mature.. never cry when we're not around, she'll play on her own
- likes to point with her pointer fingers
- she seems to like the number 8 - not that she knows that's a number but I guess she likes the shape from the floor playmat. She'll take that out, mouth it (looks like teething ring) and then hit the floor window with it
- she like Noisy Nick - Letterland character so much. Yah... she's just like him - so noisy! - still enjoys her "little tunnel"
- still wearing her 0-3mths clothes. Oh boy! that girl can help us save $$$
- drinking more water now. She normally finishes 125ml in the first half of the day. Good! Both my children love water. - she can drink from straw now. Normally stealing sips from our packet drinks or che-che's home water bottle
- she claps her hands in joy when music is played (whether we're at home or outside). She claps too when her Baby Einstein starts - the part where they play the Walt Disney introductory & when the words D-V-D comes out. Hilarious!
- Baby Signing : her two fingers for aeroplane has now been reduced to one finger. She signs her apple in a funny manner. Can't say much for the rests, she either refuse to do or we hardly come across the words.. or maybe she's not paying attention to it.

Enough of rubbish, here are the photos!

Dunno if she'll walk by her first birthday, like her che-che. Oh well, guess she'll do so when she's ready

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