Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Chilli padi

Pissing me off
Brought the chilli padi (oh goash, she has so many nicknames) for review with Dr Tan on Monday.

To cut the story short, she mentioned that there's nothing wrong with her although her weight is *gasp* still 6kg but she's grown taller to 70cm. Asked if I think she'll gain to 6.9kg (which is triple her birth weight) by 1 year. Honestly speaking I don't know, but considering the fact that her 6kg has remained since 2 months or more ago.

She asked if I wanted to proceed on with the blood test & urine to make sure everything is okay. And when she drew out the blood, my little girl was wailing out loud; kicked and really struggled. "Oh my, oh my.... she's small but she's fast in her actions. She's going to hate me for this. Sorry darling." I cried too, pains me to see the needle going into her vein.

And the most tiring part would be to get her urine sample. So they stuck a bag in her diapers. And my little girl?? Dunno if she's rebelling or what?! I made the sshh..sshh.. sound, she sat there smiling at me. I stroked her private part, she smiled at me. NTUC - been there shopped. Photocopied a book - done that. She hasn't even pee-ed, not to mention how much of water she's been drinking.

2 hours and nothing happened. Everytime she smiles at me. Argh! I was told to collect the urine in a bottle and I can go back within 2 hrs after she pees.

Went home, stripped her naked. Coaxed her, she sat there shaking her leg. Then as I turned to get something she pee-ed. Bathe her.. carried her stark naked as I needed to get a nappy cream and she pee-ed on me (again!!) Both times, I couldn't catch hold of the urine in time. Sigh....

I went back to the clinic about 40 mins after leaving the place. You say mad or not??

Smile, smile
She keeps smiling in her sleep. Dunno what's making her so happy.

Good actress
Aricia starts crying when we leave the house. Our hearts go soft.. and we want to bring her out. I was so tempted to bring her once coz' she was crying and kept holding on to the gate. And you know what? The moment I turn out of her sight, she kept quiet and turn towards the house - as if nothing had happened. Argh!
On Monday, she cried too when hubby left the house to pick Athena up. He walked back to the gate and wanted to carry her out too.. In my mind, I was thinking "yah, let him feel heart pain. Actually your daughter bluff you one..." When he came back he asked "how long did she cry??" Nobody dare to say anything. Haha!

Girls looked cute when they pout their lips
I once scolded Aricia and she sat still, and then turned to look at me with her lips pouted.
On another separate occasion, she kept wanting to touch the electrical socket. I carried her on my lap, gave her a light slap on her hand and told her off. Immediately her face frowned and she was about to start crying.

Nothing's wrong with her
Basically Dr Tan called back on Tuesday afternoon saying that the blood tests came back. She did a few tests, namely haemoglobin, red platelet count, thyroid, urine, calcium, phosphate,albumin, liver function. All came back perfectly alright, and my worry for lack of calcium (coz' she don't drink milk) is unwarranted.
She only mentioned about eosinophil (huh?) which is high at 6%. Not that very high but basically what she did for other children is to do a stools culture to see if there's any worms.. but so far no problem, so she thinks her 6% will also have no problem.
More information on eosinophil :

In her opinion, it seems that she's okay developing well, a very happy baby so I don't have to worry about her. So she's 天然 skinny.Dr Tan did ask if there was any problem with the placenta, I checked with Dr Teoh (went for checkup today) and he did mentioned that there's nothing wrong with me except they really did find my baby small.. it's just me he says - all my babies will be born small (mebbe... compact tummy that's why?)

Though I must say that I can simply stop there in treating her, but I'm going ahead with the chinese sinseh. Been too busy to go back.

This is her bed! Tell MCYS we're ill-treating our daughter. Ha!
Aricia fell asleep in walker after her lunch. Haha! This is really the first time my child falls asleep in walker. Athena never fall asleep on me, not at all.. so I find this really cute.

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